link Hilda volume_up
And heave... Ngh!
link Linhardt volume_up
Hello, Hilda. What are you doing?
link Hilda volume_up
Organizing our gear. What does it look like?
link Linhardt volume_up
I know what it looks like—it just doesn't seem believable. You working, I mean. You never do that.
link Hilda volume_up
Well, the person who's supposed to be doing it is hurt, so I agreed to pitch in and help out.
link Linhardt volume_up
But you always have others do your work for you.
link Hilda volume_up
OK, slow down, pal. It's not like I run around asking people to take on work for me.
link Hilda volume_up
I just let them do it if they want to!
link Linhardt volume_up
No matter the particulars of the process, the outcome is the same.
link Linhardt volume_up
Regardless, it's admirable of you to take the place of an injured comrade without begrudging them.
link Linhardt volume_up
Oh, and to be clear, I'm not here to help. I'm taking a well-earned break right now, plus you seem to have a handle on things yourself.
link Hilda volume_up
I haven't even asked you to help yet...
link Linhardt volume_up
Not out loud, no—but your eyes tell a different tale.
link Hilda volume_up
Actually, I was thinking that if you had time for chit-chat, you had time to lend me a hand or two.
link Hilda volume_up
But even I'm not enough of a jerk to ask a guy for help when he's on a break.
link Linhardt volume_up
I am delighted you grasp the importance of rest. There are many out there who say the most unthinkable things on the subject!
link Linhardt volume_up
"Oh, Linhardt, you're on break? Perfect! Then you can help me with this awful whatever that I'm doing!"
link Linhardt volume_up
Do they even understand the concept of down time, or is every waking moment merely a chance to increase their own productivity?
link Linhardt volume_up
Break for breaks.
link Hilda volume_up
Haha! You're speaking my language on that one!
link Hilda volume_up
Although to be fair, your life seems to be one permanent break, so I see why somebody might say that to you.
link Linhardt volume_up
Indeed. Sometimes they even claim I sleep too much, which is completely different from taking a break.
link Hilda volume_up
Wait, how is sleeping not a break?
link Linhardt volume_up
Alas, how unfortunate! It appears you and I will not be able to reach common ground on this matter.
link Hilda volume_up
Laying it on a bit thick, aren't you?
link Linhardt volume_up
That reminds me of something...
link Linhardt volume_up
Did I not see the injured comrade responsible for this storehouse hauling things at the goods depot this very morning?
link Hilda volume_up
Sure did! He said he wanted to help me out, so I asked him to take over.
link Linhardt volume_up
At which point he promptly threw out his back and left this particular task to you.
link Linhardt volume_up
Yes, well, I now understand your reason for working. And with that, good night.
link Hilda volume_up
Ugh, that guy really bugs me sometimes... It's like he thinks he's better than me or something!