Perhaps hoping to take advantage of the trouble brewing within the Kingdom, the people of Sreng launch an invasion from the north. Dimitri rides out with his best soldiers to intercept.

House Gautier is the bulwark of all Fódlan. I cannot allow myself to fall here.
House Gautier is the bulwark of all Fódlan. I cannot allow myself to fall here.

The enemy is fighting with true vigor. Did I underestimate them?
The enemy is fighting with true vigor. Did I underestimate them?

No...I misread it all...
No...I misread it all...

This payback has been years in the making, Gautier! Hahahaha!
This payback has been years in the making, Gautier! Hahahaha!

Don't hate us for this! Our way of life hangs in the balance!
Don't hate us for this! Our way of life hangs in the balance!

Sylvain! It's been a long time, old friend! I see you brought that filthy lance along.
Sylvain! It's been a long time, old friend! I see you brought that filthy lance along.

Sylvain! It's been a long time, old friend! I hear your brother kicked off.
Sylvain! It's been a long time, old friend! I hear your brother kicked off.

Not bad... Not bad at all! But do you really think you can best me?
Not bad... Not bad at all! But do you really think you can best me?

Perhaps I thought too highly of my troops... But I can retreat with my pride intact!
Perhaps I thought too highly of my troops... But I can retreat with my pride intact!

Hahaha! I'll think about it!
Hahaha! I'll think about it!