Some among the survivors of Duscur remain vehemently—and violently—opposed to Faerghus. The three dispatched from the Kingdom to resolve the situation bear ties of their own to the Tragedy...

I owe you for that. Thank you, my friends from Faerghus.
I owe you for that. Thank you, my friends from Faerghus.

Faerghus rats... Always sticking their noses where they don't belong!
Faerghus rats... Always sticking their noses where they don't belong!

You've come for me, huh? Well, bring it on! I'll kill the lot of you!
You've come for me, huh? Well, bring it on! I'll kill the lot of you!

Oh, don't play the victim! Those hands of yours have more blood on them than mine ever will.
Oh, don't play the victim! Those hands of yours have more blood on them than mine ever will.

Come here to crush Duscur under your boots once more, have you?
Come here to crush Duscur under your boots once more, have you?

Gah! No! What're you gonna do to me?!
Gah! No! What're you gonna do to me?!