Constance is ready to test out a revolutionary new spell in the dead of night, as is her wont. But tonight, the intrepid young mage is in for more than she bargained for...

link Constance volume_up
Let this den of fell kidnappers return to dust by the power of my magic!
link Annette volume_up
People are being held captive in here, and we have to rescue them!
link Mercedes volume_up
You're right. We can't just abandon them, no matter how scary it might be.
link Constance volume_up
Ahaha! The time has come for my new spell to be unleashed!
link Annette volume_up
Uh, and we're sure the people we're trying to rescue won't get caught up in it, right?
link Annette volume_up
We're on a roll now. Let's keep it up!
link Constance volume_up
Is it time yet? Hmm? Can I use my new spell now? Why oh why won't you let me use my new spell?!
Shez volume_up
Well, I don't see any villagers around, so... sure. Knock yourself out.
Shez volume_up
Well, I don't see any villagers around, so...sure. Knock yourself out.
link Constance volume_up
Ahahaha! Behold my magnificent new spell and drink deep of its power!
link Constance volume_up
Did you see? What power! What grace! All has been reduced to rubble in a stroke!
??? volume_up
Augh! Our base! What happened to our beautiful base?!
link Annette volume_up
Constance? That was amazing. I think we're gonna win this thing in no time.
link Constance volume_up
Ahahaha! Behold my magnificent new spell and drink deep of its power!
link Constance volume_up
Did you see? What power! What grace! All has been reduced to rubble in a stroke!
??? volume_up
Augh! Our base! What happened to our beautiful base?!
link Annette volume_up
Constance? That was amazing. I think we're gonna win this thing in no time.
link Constance volume_up
Ahahaha! Behold my magnificent new spell and drink deep of its power!
link Constance volume_up
Did you see? What power! What grace! All has been reduced to rubble in a stroke!
??? volume_up
Augh! Our base! What happened to our beautiful base?!
link Annette volume_up
Constance? That was amazing. I think we're gonna win this thing in no time.
link Constance volume_up
Ahahaha! Behold my magnificent new spell and drink deep of its power!
link Constance volume_up
Did you see? What power! What grace! All has been reduced to rubble in a stroke!
??? volume_up
Augh! Our base! What happened to our beautiful base?!
link Annette volume_up
Constance? That was amazing. I think we're gonna win this thing in no time.
??? volume_up
Waugh! I don't know what kinda magic that was, but let's get outta here!
??? volume_up
Waugh! I don't know what kinda magic that was, but let's get outta here!
??? volume_up
Waugh! I don't know what kinda magic that was, but let's get outta here!
??? volume_up
Waugh! I don't know what kinda magic that was, but let's get outta here!
link Constance volume_up
Ahaha! I have created the ultimate magic! It is perfect in every way!
link Annette volume_up
I wonder what principles her magic is based on. We might be able to make it even more powerful with a couple of tweaks.
link Mercedes volume_up
Constance? Annie? Let's please try to focus on the battle in front of us for the time being.
link Annette volume_up
This reminds me of our time at the school of sorcery. Remember how you and I always got paired together for assignments, Mercie?
link Constance volume_up
Paired in knowledge with dear Mercedes... Oh, even the sound of the words is ecstasy!
link Mercedes volume_up
We can do as many assignments as you like later. Right now, we have a battle to finish!
link Constance volume_up
Tremble before me! Cower like the whipped curs you are! My magic cannot be stopped!
link Annette volume_up
I'm very much glad she's on our side now.
link Mercedes volume_up
We're made our way quite deep inside their base. The villagers must be around here somewhere.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Now's our chance to give 'em the slip!
??? volume_up
We're under attack? How did they find us?!
link Constance volume_up
Ahahaha! Success! We've found where they're imprisoning the villagers!
link Annette volume_up
Less cackling and more dealing with all of those guards, please.
link Mercedes volume_up
Is that everyone? Thank the goddess we were able to save them.
link Constance volume_up
We need to get these people out of here— I can't use my magic with them around!
link Annette volume_up
Done! Is anyone hurt?
??? volume_up
We're fine, but please help the others!
link Annette volume_up
Follow us! We're getting out of here!
link Mercedes volume_up
We must ensure these people don't get caught up in Constance's magic!
Mage volume_up
And where do you ladies think you're going with our prisoners?
link Annette volume_up
Oh no! We're cut off!
link Constance volume_up
Leave all to me! Get the villagers to safety while I show these ruffians the power of my new and brilliant spell!
link Mercedes volume_up
Just don't hit any civilians, all right?
link Constance volume_up
Behold my ultimate multifaceted multifarious magical menagerie!
link Constance volume_up
I feel...drained... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up...
link Constance volume_up
Behold my ultimate multifaceted multifarious magical menagerie!
link Constance volume_up
I feel...drained... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up...
link Constance volume_up
Behold my ultimate multifaceted multifarious magical menagerie!
link Constance volume_up
I feel...drained... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up...
link Constance volume_up
No... I'm losing control of the spell! Oh, this is a disaster! Look out, everyone!
link Annette volume_up
Constance, no!
??? volume_up
What the... I'm getting pulled in!
Shez volume_up
Constance, stop! You're gonna kill everybody!
Shez volume_up
Constance, stop! You're gonna kill everybody!
link Constance volume_up
Ngh... It was close...but I managed to stop it...
link Mercedes volume_up
Wonderful! Now we can escape.
link Annette volume_up
Then let's get out of here! Um, which way was the exit again?
link Constance volume_up
Ahaha! See? That wasn't so bad.
link Annette volume_up
We were out there a long time. I think the sun is going to be up soon.
??? volume_up
Just when I thought we were saved...
??? volume_up
No... How could this happen...