
Yes, I'm ready.


  1. Dedue: Such tasks are beneath you, Your Majesty. Please rest while I handle this.
  2. Dimitri: Don't be ridiculous. Besides, a little manual labor here and there serves as wonderful stress relief.
  1. Dimitri: You always tell me to rest, Dedue, but I wonder if you get enough rest yourself.
  2. Dedue: You needn't worry, Your Majesty. I will rest when I must.
  1. Dimitri: The two of us make a formidable team.
  2. Dedue: I'm just happy to be of use.
  1. Dimitri: Don't hold anything back, Dedue. Together, our success is guaranteed.
  2. Dedue: I'll do my best. Just don't overexert yourself, Your Majesty.


  1. Dedue: Let's do this, Ashe.
  2. Ashe: We can do anything we put our minds to. Let's show our friends the power of teamwork!
  1. Ashe: Let's go, Dedue. We'll make short work of this!
  2. Dedue: Indeed we will.
  1. Dedue: This is all thanks to you.
  2. Ashe: Oh, no. I should be the one thanking you!
  1. Dedue: You needn't hold back, Ashe.
  2. Ashe: Yes, I'm a knight now. And I won't let you outdo me!