
Invite on an Expedition


Nothing as far as the eye can see. I guess that's not a bad thing though.
A beautiful panorama stretches out before you, as far as the eye can see.


The way those vines twist around is so fascinating. I bet I could do my hair like that.
The forest is rich with flora and fauna. Your senses are overwhelmed by unknown sights and smells.


What an amazing view! This definitely makes the climb worth it. I'm glad I didn't turn back.
As you walk side-by-side on the mountain path, [0:CHARA_G] trips and falls! You dash to their aid at once.


This place is perfect for getting away from the chaos of the battlefield. I can just space out.
The water is crystal-clear, in a way you only thought possible in stories. Your mind relaxes at the sight of countless fish and an abundance of aquatic flora.


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