
Invite on an Expedition


This is certainly a peaceful place, and there is plenty of fluffy grass for me to flop onto.
The harmonious atmosphere of the plains engulfs you. The so-called peaceful moments of your life pale in comparison to the tranquility you feel now.


Hunh?! I think I dozed off just there! This place really is sleep-inducing.
The forest is rich with flora and fauna. Your senses are overwhelmed by unknown sights and smells.


The view from up here is fantastic. I just wish we didn't have to do all that climbing first...
Storm clouds linger on the horizon, ominous and thick with impending rain. The weather looks like it may take a turn for the worse.


Let's not nap too close to the water, all right? I prefer sleep to drowning.
The water is crystal-clear, in a way you only thought possible in stories. Your mind relaxes at the sight of countless fish and an abundance of aquatic flora.


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