1. Oh, this is delicious. I feel my strength returning!
  2. You can't get much done on an empty stomach, [cdb]so thanks for this!
  3. I appreciate the effort, but... Well, maybe let's have [cdb]something different next time.
  4. I trust you're ready? Then let's head out.
  5. I'm happy to accompany you anywhere. Onward!
  6. It's funny how your cares just melt away when [cdb]running free in a meadow like this.
  7. There could be fierce beasts awaiting us in here. Let's tread carefully.
  8. This would be a great spot to command an army. You can see for miles in every direction!
  9. Let's rest for a bit and wet our whistles, shall we?
  10. We should see if it dropped any feathers—I bet Hilda [cdb]would just love them!
  11. It's uncouth to pry in the business of others. We should leave it be.
  12. A fine idea! Mushrooms are a welcome addition to [cdb]any meal.
  13. Soldiers often have to live off the land during lengthy [cdb]campaigns, so this should prove a fine experience.
  14. Ah, I can see you're an old hand at that.
  15. Of course! If it's too painful for you to walk, we must [cdb]see you home safely so you can heal.
  16. But then how would you hope to attack an enemy [cdb]encampment on a far shore? No, this won't do at all. We should get you some practice at once.
  17. Seasickness is no laughing matter. I've seen it [cdb]devastate entire armies who are unaccustomed [cdb]to combat at sea.
  18. In the end, training one's body doesn't count for [cdb]much—the mind is what truly matters.
  19. My battles with Almyra molded me into the soldier I am today. Perhaps I ought to thank them for that.
  20. Some believe a Crest is all it takes to be a great noble, [cdb]but I fully intend to prove otherwise.
  21. The key to a healthy body is a well-regimented life. Early to bed and early to rise, and the like. I suggest [cdb]you give it a try!
  22. I learned much at the academy. It will be difficult to [cdb]replace an institution of that caliber.
  23. To accept the teachings of Seiros unquestioningly is [cdb]to abandon reason itself.
  24. I often share vital intelligence with Claude, such as [cdb]which mushrooms are and are not poisonous.
  25. I actually quite enjoy working in the kitchen. Mushroom dishes are my specialty!
  26. I've no fondness for gambling—I've seen far too many [cdb]people ruin their lives to go down that path myself.
  27. Beyond protecting my land and my family, what more [cdb]can I ask for?
  28. I try not to worry, at least not about things I can't [cdb]change. I simply do what I can and keep putting one [cdb]foot in front of the other!
  29. Watching over my younger sister is both my duty and [cdb]my entire reason for living.
  30. As a youth, I ran with quite the crowd of hooligans. Oh, we were a fearless bunch!
  31. If you forge strong relationships with your comrades, [cdb]you'll fight much more effectively when it counts.
  32. Solo charges on horseback were once my specialty, [cdb]but they tend to make my subordinates nervous, so I [cdb]try to restrain myself.
  33. You have a lot of potential. Don't squander it.
  34. A Crest does not guarantee strength—you and I will [cdb]prove that to the world!
  35. My sister has been cold to me of late. I wonder [cdb]what it is about me that bothers her.
  36. Fighting at the side of youngsters like yourself has [cdb]been invigorating!
  37. Envying my height is pointless—simply find a fighting [cdb]style that fits your body type.
  38. Do you like the color of my hair? It's in the blood of House Goneril.
  39. Sometimes a strong gaze precludes the need to draw [cdb]one's weapon.
  40. People often overestimate my age, but I'm actually [cdb]not much older than you.
  41. Rippling muscles are often naught more than vanity. Best to focus your training on efficiency in battle.
  42. Yes, I could probably pick you up with one hand. Do you want me to carry you home?
  43. Let's do this again!
  44. What a grand day out. I hope I can enjoy your [cdb]company again soon!
  45. Let us give it our utmost!