1. The continent of Fódlan, said to be protected [cdb]by a goddess, has existed for uncountable ages. Now, three ruling powers control the land.
  2. To the south is a region held for more than a [cdb]thousand years by the Adrestian Empire. To the north is the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, [cdb]ruled by the royal family and its knights.
  3. And to the east, a league of nobles that bends [cdb]no knee rules the Leicester Alliance. Though once consumed in war, these [cdb]three powers now exist in relative harmony.
  4. Nestled between them is Garreg Mach Monastery, seat of the Church of Seiros—the [cdb]land's widely practiced faith, and a power that [cdb]helps to maintain peace across the continent.
  5. Not far from the monastery, at the northern [cdb]edge of the Empire, is a small village called Remire. And west of this place stretches a [cdb]forest where a lone mercenary awaits...
  6. Deep in the forest, the mercenary meets a trio [cdb]of youths, each a student at Garreg Mach's Officers Academy and a leader of one of the [cdb]school's three houses.
  7. Striking down the bandit chief who attacked [cdb]the students brings undue attention to the [cdb]mercenary, who soon arrives at the hallowed [cdb]gates of Garreg Mach.
  8. Upon his return to Garreg Mach, the humble Tomas shapeshifts and flees, and not even the Knights of Seiros's most concerted efforts can [cdb]track down the erstwhile librarian.
  9. Meanwhile, Edelgard seizes upon Monica's [cdb]rescue as a chance to start down a radically [cdb]different path than she had originally planned.
  10. Having deposed Lord Arundel and Duke Aegir, Edelgard quickly arranges for her coronation, [cdb]her eyes now fixed firmly on the monumental [cdb]task laid out before her.
  11. All the while, the Kingdom of Faerghus is [cdb]thrown into unrest over the right of succession, [cdb]while the Leicester Alliance finds themselves [cdb]pitted against an invading Almyran horde.
  12. Realizing the troubles of Fódlan will fall [cdb]squarely on her young students' shoulders, Archbishop Rhea closes the Officers Academy [cdb]and permits her charges to return home.
  13. Upon his return to Garreg Mach, the humble Tomas shapeshifts and flees, and not even the Knights of Seiros's most concerted efforts can [cdb]track down the erstwhile librarian.
  14. Dimitri elects to keep an eye on events from [cdb]afar and not involve himself in the disturbance. Soon, however, an urgent message arrives from Fhirdiad, capital of the Kingdom of Faerghus.
  15. Having put down Rufus's revolt and ended his [cdb]uncle's life, Dimitri draws closer to the truth [cdb]regarding the Tragedy of Duscur, and also [cdb]begins the process of ascending the throne.
  16. All the while, the Adrestian Empire deals with [cdb]a fierce power struggle in its capital, Enbarr, [cdb]while the Leicester Alliance finds themselves [cdb]pitted against an invading Almyran horde.
  17. Realizing the troubles of Fódlan will fall [cdb]squarely on her young students' shoulders, Archbishop Rhea closes the Officers Academy [cdb]and permits her charges to return home.
  18. Upon his return to Garreg Mach, the humble Tomas shapeshifts and flees, and not even the Knights of Seiros's most concerted efforts can [cdb]track down the erstwhile librarian.
  19. Though Claude is quite intrigued by the [cdb]dark developments at his school, an urgent [cdb]message soon arrives from House Goneril at [cdb]the eastern edge of the Leicester Alliance.
  20. As the representative leader of the Alliance, Claude narrowly defends Fódlan's Locket from Prince Shahid and the Almyrans—but the [cdb]future of the Alliance remains in jeopardy.
  21. Meanwhile, a power struggle breaks out in the [cdb]capital of the Adrestian Empire, and a revolt [cdb]over the right of succession takes root in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
  22. Realizing the troubles of Fódlan will fall [cdb]squarely on her young students' shoulders, Archbishop Rhea closes the Officers Academy [cdb]and permits her charges to return home.