1. It is the end of 1181. Two years have passed [cdb]since the Officers Academy closed its doors. Claude has inherited the leadership of Leicester [cdb]and toils to unite the nobles in the region.
  2. With Edelgard ruling as emperor of Adrestia [cdb]and Dimitri sitting on the throne in Faerghus, [cdb]the three former schoolmates are striking out as [cdb]the next generation of leaders.
  3. A new era is dawning in Fódlan, and much [cdb]teeters at the brink of great change. Edelgard [cdb]declares war against the Central Church, [cdb]causing the first tremor of a major upheaval.
  4. After Count Gloucester's surprising defection, [cdb]the Empire's invasion of Leicester begins in [cdb]earnest. The Alliance roundtable unravels and [cdb]the region descends further into chaos.
  5. Yet the Alliance does not yield. Claude takes [cdb]command and rallies his comrades, insisting [cdb]that so long as they can withstand the Imperial [cdb]onslaught on Riegan territory, they will survive.
  6. The Alliance army pushes back the Empire at Derdriu, where they receive word that Count Gloucester has rejoined the Alliance. It seems [cdb]his disloyalty was all part of a deceitful plan.
  7. With their position lost, the Imperial army [cdb]begins to retreat. Claude and his allies press [cdb]forward, planning to surround them as they [cdb]flee to Adrestia.
  8. Having struck down the Imperial army's [cdb]incursion, the Alliance sees an opportunity to [cdb]launch a counter-invasion. The roundtable [cdb]convenes and urges the plan to go forward.
  9. The Alliance army targets Bergliez territory, [cdb]just beyond the Great Bridge. They advance [cdb]to seize its fertile lands, which are protected [cdb]by the Empire's Minister of Military Affairs.
  10. Though victory is within their grasp, news of [cdb]an unexpected incursion from Almyra forces Claude and the Alliance army to retreat.
  11. Driven by revenge, Almyra invades with a far [cdb]larger battalion led by none other than Prince Shahid. The Alliance hangs on by a thread, [cdb]but Claude has another plan up his sleeve.
  12. It is now 1182. The great war incited by Edelgard has continued to engulf Fódlan, [cdb]but slowly begins to change course.
  13. The Alliance's battle with the Empire ends [cdb]without a victor. After facing the Almyrans, [cdb]the Alliance focuses on rebuilding, while the Kingdom's conflict with the Empire stalls.
  14. Six months will pass before the wheels of [cdb]change turn again. But when they do, it will be [cdb]because one ambitious man sets them in [cdb]motion.
  15. It is the end of 1182. Four moons have passed [cdb]since Almyra attacked. Though the battle lines [cdb]remain unchanged, Claude steadily schemes [cdb]behind the scenes. History is about to be made.
  16. The formation of the Leicester Federation [cdb]astonishes onlookers in all corners of Fódlan. But the treaty between the Federation and the Empire proves to be an even greater shock.
  17. Claude decides to send troops into the Kingdom. However, his rash actions only [cdb]spawn more problems, one of which is [cdb]currently creeping towards him.
  18. Despite Fleche's attack, the Federation [cdb]reaffirms their alliance with the Empire and [cdb]finally begins their invasion of the Kingdom.
  19. Seeing that Faerghus is readying for [cdb]battle, Claude plans for a short engagement. With a cunning scheme at the ready, his army [cdb]trespasses into Fraldarius territory.
  20. The Federation army moves through Fraldarius [cdb]like lightning. It will not be long until they [cdb]march on the capital city of Fhirdiad.
  21. However, it is unclear how the Federation [cdb]forces will be able to capture Fhirdiad, [cdb]let alone seize control of the entire Kingdom. What is the true purpose of their invasion?
  22. After securing an initial victory at Fhirdiad, Claude prepares to negotiate with Dimitri. But then word of an alarming crisis back home [cdb]forces the Federation army to retreat.
  23. The glimmer of hope that the war was nearing [cdb]its end has been snuffed out by those who seek [cdb]to spread chaos and destruction throughout Fódlan.
  24. Claude's swift military actions save Ordelia [cdb]territory from immediate danger. However, [cdb]the Empire's situation has drastically changed.
  25. The Kingdom and Central Church are [cdb]closing in on Garreg Mach, placing Edelgard [cdb]at a disadvantage. After receiving a request for [cdb]aid, the Federation army rushes to the scene.
  26. The Federation successfully aids the Imperial [cdb]army and together they pursue the Kingdom [cdb]and church forces. However, Claude's sole aim [cdb]is to eliminate Archbishop Rhea.
  27. While Edelgard contends with the royal army, Claude and his forces go after the church. In [cdb]their pursuit, they arrive at the Tailtean Plains, [cdb]where Seiros and Nemesis battled long ago.
  28. It is now 1183, Blue Sea Moon. The Federation has joined with the Empire [cdb]to invade the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
  29. Claude sought not to conquer the Kingdom, [cdb]but to destroy the Central Church. After Archbishop Rhea's defeat, the church [cdb]has lost much of its martial prowess.
  30. Tensions continue between the Empire and Kingdom. Having now reached his goal, Claude proposes an end to the war. Yet it [cdb]remains uncertain if either side will accept.