1. Every life, equally fragile.
  2. This victory is for Brigid!
  3. Each battle, a victory!
  4. Not for myself, for everyone!
  5. Enemy down. I am preparing for more.
  6. Position secure!
  7. This place is becoming ours.
  8. Use this stronghold well!
  9. It gives me pride to surpass you!
  10. I am choosing my own way forward, Edelgard.
  11. Your skill is always much improving, Caspar, [cdb]but so is mine!
  12. I recognize your Dagda technique. You have [cdb]much strength!
  13. Give me victory, sky spirit!
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I am not feeling remorse. This is war.
  20. Now you know not to be messing with Brigid.
  21. Was your goddess not protecting you?
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. You lost, but gave a fine effort.
  25. I had no idea you achieved such strength!
  26. Flame spirit, grant me ferocity! Iron spirit, [cdb]take my enemy's life!
  27. I am only just beginning to fight!
  28. I was lacking caution.
  29. Help me! I am nearing my limit!
  30. I have gratitude for you.
  31. Back into action!
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. A feat of much impressiveness!
  35. If you can do it, I can also do it!
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. That was brilliant fighting, but I will not be [cdb]outdone!
  39. Your mightiness is on full display, Edelgard!
  40. You never cease to be amazing me, Hubert!
  41. Linhardt! It is warming to my heart to see you [cdb]try.
  42. You fight with much beauty, Dorothea!
  43. We are fortunate to be having you in our [cdb]corner, Shamir!
  44. Is that how mercenaries fight? Intriguing.
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You are truly a force for reckoning!
  49. Come, Edelgard! Let us be blazing a trail!
  50. More, Caspar! You and I will demolish them!
  51. Good, Dorothea! Do all you can!
  52. I have belief in you, Constance!
  53. Look how you command the battlefield! The spirits are smiling on you!
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. Is this the capability of a mercenary? I have awe!
  56. You are leaving us all in your dust, Edelgard! I must be better!
  57. You are working so hard! That is unusual [cdb]for you.
  58. Your prowess is always amazing me, Shamir! I need to keep up.
  59. You have made strides of much largeness in [cdb]the past two years.
  60. Few are equal to you! You must be returning [cdb]with me to Brigid.
  61. Splendid fighting, Edelgard! It will be a [cdb]distant day when I can equal you!
  62. It is hard to be imagining what I will do the [cdb]day after I surpass you.
  63. I knew you were incredible, Dorothea. I will [cdb]do all I can to protect you!
  64. We are both firm in purpose and unshakable [cdb]in the heart. Our day will be coming!
  65. Someone was put to rout? I will get [cdb]vengeance!
  66. A powerful foe is appearing!
  67. This calls for extra caution.
  68. I have history with this enemy. Please allow me [cdb]to be handling this fight.
  69. I have a disadvantage with this opponent, [cdb]but I will do my best!
  70. The enemy stronghold will be ours!
  71. Leave defending this position to me!
  72. The stronghold is in danger!
  73. No... The stronghold has fallen...
  74. You are not being a match for me!
  75. I will never be yielding!
  76. Behold how the people of Brigid are fighting!
  77. I am stronger than you!
  78. It will not be a matter of easiness, but I [cdb]will defeat you!
  79. I challenge you as your equal, Edelgard!
  80. I cannot stop and think, or Caspar will be [cdb]finding an opening...
  81. Protect me, sky spirit!
  82. A familiar face will not be getting any mercy [cdb]from me.
  83. This will be your last fight.
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. The strategy was working!
  89. I must not die here... I am falling back!
  90. I am sorry... I was messing it up!
  91. You think you have gotten the last words? We will be seeing!
  92. I will be back!
  93. Nothing will be stopping me now!
  94. You face Petra Macneary, the new queen [cdb]of Brigid!
  95. Now I will be redeeming myself.
  96. I have returned to help with battling!
  97. Brigid is needing me... I cannot perish... on this foreign soil...
  98. Striking swiftly is our best chance.
  99. I will be doing my part for victory.
  100. I will find a weakness in the enemy!
  101. We must use swiftness to reach our ally [cdb]in time.
  102. I will stand strong against the enemy!
  103. I am skilled at both running and hiding. Watch!
  104. I do not give you permission to be defeated! Now fight for your lives!
  105. Do you want me to lay an ambush?
  106. Together, we can be turning the tides.
  107. For Brigid, I face you unafraid!
  108. No matter our past, I will silence my heart and [cdb]strike you down.
  109. Our fight is for a cause of nobleness!
  110. Thank you for your protection, flame spirit.
  111. I would never be leaving my friends to die!
  112. We did it! We held with strength!
  113. The enemy never possessed a hope of [cdb]catching us.
  114. Was this the battle of finality?
  115. I am sorry. I thought we held a victory in [cdb]our hands.
  116. My land of home needs me... I must retreat!
  117. We have the advantage! Push!
  118. We are being overwhelmed! Find your [cdb]courage and fight!
  119. Goodbye, obstacle. We are continuing on!
  120. The way is blocked!
  121. I am advancing!
  122. I will help!
  123. Our teamwork is becoming excellent!
  124. Move in!
  125. Give them support!
  126. They are needing rescue!
  127. Do not be letting up!
  128. I have been captured. This is not good.
  129. May I ask for your help?
  130. I need help. May I please ask you?
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. The power of the spirits gathers inside me!
  134. This situation is giving me much sadness.
  135. Begin!
  136. The sky spirit watches over me!
  137. I have finished with great success!
  138. All done. What is the next order?
  139. I have failed, but I will not be letting it [cdb]bother me!
  140. I was making a mistake.
  141. Success!
  142. I have no excuses.
  143. Here I go!
  144. It is done!
  145. We have failed.
  146. We must act with swiftness!