1. Sorry, but nothing can stop me.
  2. Hey, I'm doing pretty well today.
  3. Didn't realize I had that in me.
  4. I won't let your lives be wasted.
  5. No looking back.
  6. That takes care of that.
  7. We managed to contain things here.
  8. This will help secure our victory.
  9. You weren't even trying! Though I guess that [cdb]worked out in my favor.
  10. I'll walk my own path. See you, Edelgard.
  11. Didn't expect to lose to me, huh? Shouldn't have let your guard down, Dimitri.
  12. Sorry, Hubert, but it's not like I could [cdb]ignore you.
  13. Apologies, Lorenz. I had no choice.
  14. Of all the times to put in a serious effort... That's enough now, Hilda.
  15. Remember your place. You'll live longer [cdb]that way.
  16. It's nothing personal, Rhea. I just want to see [cdb]what the world could be like without you.
  17. Hah! So much for being undefeated, huh?
  18. I managed to pull out a win somehow, [cdb]but let's never do this again.
  19. Neither of us wants this. I just hope the next [cdb]time we meet, it won't be on the battlefield.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. This isn't what I wanted.
  25. We both chose this path. No hard [cdb]feelings, right?
  26. Ha! Guess I'm more than just brains!
  27. Go ahead and blame me if you want. But no [cdb]one stands in the way of my goals.
  28. I knew this was a possibility...
  29. How'd I get myself into this mess?
  30. Thanks! I owe you one!
  31. Thanks, that was a close one!
  32. Much appreciated.
  33. I'll remember this debt.
  34. Nice one!
  35. Keep it up!
  36. You're something else all right!
  37. You're incredible!
  38. Hah, you always come through for us. Even more than I expected.
  39. You're steadily making a name for yourself. I'd expect no less, Lorenz.
  40. You're putting in the work today, Hilda. See? You can do it if you try.
  41. You're putting all the adults to shame, Lysithea! Er...just forget I said that.
  42. Way to go, Holst! No way we'll lose with you [cdb]on our side.
  43. Great work! But I know you can do [cdb]even more!
  44. Wow, Marianne! I'm so glad you were here.
  45. It's a relief to have you on our side. You're one [cdb]formidable enemy.
  46. Wow. You sure know your stuff...when it [cdb]comes to magic, at least.
  47. You're in rare form today, Hapi.
  48. You're always bailing me out. I hope to return [cdb]the favor someday.
  49. I got to admit, you're as good as your word. We couldn't do this without you, Lorenz.
  50. When you get serious, everyone else follows [cdb]suit. It's a sight to behold.
  51. Keep it up, Hapi! But try not to sigh.
  52. Whenever I watch you fight, I feel like there's [cdb]no possible way we could lose.
  53. Talk about momentum! You're unstoppable!
  54. No one can stop your drive.
  55. You must be the best mercenary who [cdb]ever lived.
  56. Look at Lorenz go! I just hope he doesn't get [cdb]carried away and fall flat on his face.
  57. I knew Hilda was strong, but not this strong!
  58. So that's the Ashen Demon's true strength, [cdb]huh? Pretty impressive.
  59. That's probably nothing for someone [cdb]like Holst.
  60. As long as you fight by my side, I don't care [cdb]who you really are!
  61. You're the best, Lorenz! You're the only one [cdb]who could threaten my position.
  62. Amazing, Hilda! You're like a completely [cdb]different person today!
  63. You've got hidden depths, Hapi. Not just [cdb]anyone could accomplish that.
  64. I'm so glad you're on our side, Holst.
  65. You've done it now.
  66. I've got to do something about this.
  67. It kills me to see such talent being used [cdb]against us.
  68. Why'd you have to be our enemy?
  69. I've got a real bad feeling about this.
  70. All right, take it down!
  71. I'd hate to lose this stronghold...
  72. No, we can't lose it!
  73. It fell! I'll need to come up with a new [cdb]strategy here...
  74. Fine, I'll take you on.
  75. I'll look bad if I retreat now.
  76. Why'd it have to be you? No chance you'll [cdb]retreat, right?
  77. So it's come to this. I can't convince you to [cdb]walk away, can I?
  78. You don't need to hold back, but I wouldn't [cdb]complain if you did.
  79. We'll settle this here and now. You good with [cdb]that, Edelgard?
  80. I've got to face you head-on? Oof, this is [cdb]no joke.
  81. I never imagined you and I would end up in [cdb]a battle of brawn, Hubert.
  82. Can't we talk this out, Lorenz? No, I know it's [cdb]already too late.
  83. Feel free to slack off as much as you usually [cdb]do, Hilda.
  84. I'll face you, but if I win, you go straight [cdb]back to Almyra.
  85. I'll be dead if I give the slightest inch. Sorry, Rhea, but I can't afford to hold back.
  86. I doubt I can take you out. So how can I wear [cdb]you down?
  87. Come on, we're fighting to the death now? Talk about a worst-case scenario.
  88. That's enough. Fall back.
  89. Our best bet is to retreat.
  90. Ugh, we messed that up.
  91. We should give up and withdraw for now.
  92. We need to pull back and think of [cdb]another plan.
  93. Backup is here. Hope I'm not too late!
  94. I've got no choice but to get out there [cdb]and fight.
  95. I just couldn't let it end like that.
  96. Let's give it another go.
  97. Gah, I messed that one up. Is this the end for [cdb]my ambitions?
  98. Everyone ready?
  99. Let's get to it!
  100. We can win this! Come on!
  101. Hurry, they're waiting for our help!
  102. We can't let them take this land. Defend it [cdb]to the last!
  103. We've got no hope of winning, so we need to [cdb]make a run for it. Everyone, fall back!
  104. Everything hinges on this battle. I'm counting [cdb]on all of you!
  105. Yeah, I'll give it everything I've got.
  106. This'll be a tough one, but we'll manage.
  107. So, we're doing this. I wonder which one of us [cdb]will survive?
  108. You know what kind of guy I am. Don't expect [cdb]an easy win.
  109. We've won. Great job, everyone!
  110. I knew we'd pull out the win.
  111. We pulled off the rescue. That's cause enough [cdb]for celebration.
  112. Phew, we managed to hold out. We should be [cdb]safe for a while.
  113. We should be safe now. Well done, everyone!
  114. Time to celebrate our victory! Tonight we feast!
  115. Our strategy didn't work. Guess that's it [cdb]for us.
  116. Do all my ambitions fall apart here?
  117. That's it! Keep it up until we've [cdb]overwhelmed them!
  118. They're pushing us back. We'll lose our chance [cdb]if we don't find some way to retaliate.
  119. Now we can press forward.
  120. Hold on. Looks like we can't go any farther.
  121. All right, time to get moving.
  122. I'd better back them up.
  123. I'll give you a hand.
  124. All right, move out!
  125. Hey, could you go assist them?
  126. We got an ally in trouble. Help them out!
  127. Guard that area.
  128. I'm really in a bind here. Sure hope someone [cdb]can come help.
  129. Hey, mind helping me out?
  130. Sorry, but I need a hand here! Please!
  131. Sorry, but would you mind lending me [cdb]a hand?
  132. I'd be glad if you could help me out!
  133. I've gotta do this myself!
  134. We're losing momentum. Gotta turn this [cdb]around somehow...
  135. Let's try this.
  136. Let's see how this goes.
  137. Job well done, if I do say so myself.
  138. OK, what's next?
  139. Well that didn't work out.
  140. I really messed up. Sorry.
  141. That went off without a hitch! The tides [cdb]should turn in our favor now.
  142. So much for that tactic. Better think of [cdb]something else.
  143. Here we go.
  144. Haha, nice!
  145. Sure made a mess of that.
  146. This is bad!