1. Can't say I didn't warn you...
  2. I hate that I'm getting used to this.
  3. That always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  4. Didn't you hear? I'm dangerous.
  5. Maybe that'll beat some sense into you.
  6. OK, we did it. Can I take a nap now?
  7. Holding this position will make our lives [cdb]easier, right?
  8. This stronghold is ours now.
  9. That was kind of close, but I won, so it's fine.
  10. Were you going easy on me, Yuri-bird?
  11. Brains over brawn, B.
  12. Reminds me of our days back in Abyss, Coco.
  13. Whatever you were planning, Cornelia, [cdb]it failed.
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Eh, you probably had it coming.
  20. Why can't you people just leave me alone?
  21. You creeps just don't know when to quit!
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. What am I even fighting for?
  25. Sorry, but I can't just give up.
  26. So I'm basically the strongest person ever, [cdb]right?
  27. All that fighting and we're still not done? Almost makes me wanna sigh...
  28. I'm utterly exhausted.
  29. I don't wanna give up yet...
  30. Thanks!
  31. Appreciated.
  32. That helped.
  33. Thanks a bunch.
  34. Good going!
  35. Remind me not to get on your bad side.
  36. Looking good.
  37. I might as well just go home.
  38. Not bad. You're a real overachiever, [cdb]aren't you?
  39. We can always count on you, Yuri-bird.
  40. I'll just kick back and let B do all the work.
  41. You're never boring, Coco.
  42. That's right, Coco! Show them who's boss!
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You're getting the hang of that power of yours.
  49. Look at the Claudester go. I believe in you!
  50. Wrap it up, Bert. I am so ready for a cup of [cdb]your post-battle coffee.
  51. You OK, Bernie-Bee? Don't go passing out [cdb]on us...
  52. You're so amazing, Shammi.
  53. Wow, you're like a force of nature out there.
  54. Thanks to you, I hardly have to do anything!
  55. That's great, but...should you be using so [cdb]much power?
  56. That's why he's the Savage Mockingbird! Wait, was that supposed to be a secret?
  57. B's got it covered. I'm gonna go grab a snack.
  58. Wow! I think they got the point, Coco.
  59. Coco's battle cries always lift my spirits!
  60. Amazing! It's like your power's a part of [cdb]you now!
  61. You're a great leader, King Claudester. I'm sure [cdb]everyone feels the same!
  62. Your hard work inspires all of us!
  63. You're crushing it, Bernie-Bee! Let's celebrate later!
  64. Now there's someone who knows how to be [cdb]free. That's our Shammi!
  65. What? They got us?
  66. That's probably bad, right?
  67. We got a tough one here...
  68. They're not the easiest to fight...
  69. This might've been a mistake...
  70. I guess we'll attack here.
  71. Looks like it's time to defend.
  72. Uh, that's bad, right?
  73. No way, we lost?! Sorry...
  74. You wanna fight? I kinda wish you didn't.
  75. I won't make this easy for you.
  76. I guess this was bound to happen at [cdb]some point.
  77. Fate can be so cruel.
  78. You sure no one's experimenting on you?
  79. I've got to fight Yuri-bird? That's so not fair.
  80. You always seem so at ease, B.
  81. Aw, come on, Coco. You haven't changed [cdb]at all.
  82. Who invited you, Cornelia?
  83. I'm not a big fan of you knights.
  84. I don't play nice with you church people.
  85. So you're one of her friends. You're gonna [cdb]wish you weren't!
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Oh nice, we did it.
  89. I don't wanna die yet. I'm getting out of here.
  90. Don't give me a reason to sigh, all right?
  91. I don't think there's anything else we can do.
  92. I'll be right back.
  93. It's Hapi time now!
  94. What if we left the fighting to the people who [cdb]want to do it? I mean, just a thought...
  95. I was hoping for a nap, but I guess that's not [cdb]happening!
  96. I'm new and improved and ready to go!
  97. This has been a long time coming but... I'm still...not ready...
  98. Huh? We're starting already?
  99. All right, all right, I'm going.
  100. I'd prefer not to die here, if that's OK with [cdb]everyone.
  101. I'll see what I can do...
  102. We just have to defend? That's not so bad...
  103. Getting chased is not my idea of a good time.
  104. Everything depends on this battle. Let's get it [cdb]over with.
  105. OK, but I'm not doing any extra work.
  106. Let's just try not to get killed.
  107. Ugh, you're already exhausting.
  108. You're with the enemy now? Boo.
  109. We won! This time...
  110. Can I go home now?
  111. I'm just glad we made it in time.
  112. Keep your distance next time.
  113. My legs feel like jelly after all that running.
  114. We did it... Maybe now things will actually [cdb]get a little better?
  115. We lost? I am so not OK with that.
  116. I've worked so hard to stay alive... I'm not [cdb]letting go. Not yet.
  117. Kinda feels like we might be OK after all.
  118. Things'll get even worse if I sigh...
  119. Hey, we can keep moving.
  120. What? We can't get through?
  121. Let's get a move on.
  122. Let's fight together.
  123. I got you.
  124. Move out.
  125. You wanna back them up?
  126. We gotta save them!
  127. Can you go on defense?
  128. Why does this always happen to me?
  129. Hey, a little help?
  130. Some help would be nice!
  131. Would you mind lending a hand?
  132. I could really use some help...
  133. Do I seriously have to do this?
  134. You sure I can't just leave?
  135. Here goes!
  136. Yeah, yeah, I got it.
  137. That should do it.
  138. Good enough?
  139. What a pain!
  140. We kinda blew it...
  141. Looks like things worked out.
  142. Oh no. I don't know how that happened.
  143. Let's do this.
  144. Neat!
  145. Aw, come on... Nope, not gonna sigh!
  146. How is that even a thing?