1. It appears I've won.
  2. I had no idea I was capable of this.
  3. Perhaps I have my partner in destiny to thank.
  4. Sorry, but I won't be dying today.
  5. I don't recall any fighting experience... So how do I command such power?
  6. We could put that stronghold to good use.
  7. On to the next conquest, then.
  8. We'd be wise to hold this position.
  9. Believe me, I'm just as shocked as you.
  10. Well that set off some curious emotions.
  11. What's this anguish I feel? Do I know you?
  12. I feel like I've just accomplished something [cdb]momentous... But what, exactly?
  13. <<<EMPTY>>>
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I might've won, but you have certainly [cdb]impressed me.
  20. I had expected you to be more powerful, [cdb]although I'm not at all clear why.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Those who get in my way leave me with no [cdb]choice.
  25. You could do with more training.
  26. Where is this power coming from? What a [cdb]curious feeling...
  27. Perhaps this power is part of who I truly am.
  28. There's a distinct possibility I'll be defeated. I must act quickly.
  29. This is an unexpected turn of events. I might [cdb]not make it...
  30. Your kindness is much appreciated.
  31. You may very well have saved my life. I'm grateful.
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. All that training's paid off, I see.
  35. I have a lot to learn from you.
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. You can thank my guidance for this.
  39. I can't deny your raw talent.
  40. Yes... I need you to be strong.
  41. For you to be this strong... Hm.
  42. Is this your power, or the power of what [cdb]you are?
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. <<<EMPTY>>>
  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. You know, under the right circumstances, [cdb]you could accomplish significant things.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. I'm pleased with how far you've come. Let's see how much higher we can soar.
  56. A feat truly befitting the Ashen Demon.
  57. You have such terrifying power... I'm actually [cdb]trembling.
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. We must deal with them as soon as possible.
  66. Hmm... I'm at a loss.
  67. Now you've done it...
  68. How vexing. We must turn this around [cdb]somehow...
  69. I face an arduous fight.
  70. Capture the stronghold. You know how to do [cdb]that, I trust.
  71. I will not cede this position.
  72. We've been careless. It's all over if that [cdb]stronghold falls.
  73. We're in no position to continue fighting. We have to retreat.
  74. I am not one for violence, though I am quite [cdb]capable of it...
  75. Oh dear. I wonder if I'm up for this challenge.
  76. Let's both give it our all, shall we?
  77. Come then. I believe I'm sufficiently prepared.
  78. Isn't this a rare opportunity. Now, show me [cdb]what you can do.
  79. I can't say why, but I feel you must be [cdb]brought down.
  80. Let me assess your power.
  81. No matter how powerful the enemy, [cdb]victory is always a possible outcome.
  82. No need to hold back. I know I won't.
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Mission complete. Not that it was ever [cdb]in doubt.
  89. That was close. It would be wise to pull back.
  90. This is not the time for bullish persistence.
  91. We must reconsider our approach...
  92. Do not worry. I'll be back soon.
  93. You are not alone. I'm here with you.
  94. I never dreamed I'd go into battle like this...
  95. Unfortunately for you, I'm not dead yet.
  96. Did you think I'd abandoned you?
  97. The cycle of the world...must not be [cdb]disrupted...
  98. Let's begin, shall we?
  99. I'll help in what ways I can.
  100. I'll do anything I can.
  101. My heart will not let me abandon our allies.
  102. Everything will be fine. You have my [cdb]protection.
  103. It seems our only option is to run very fast.
  104. We've been training for this exact moment. We can win this.
  105. We can do this. I know it.
  106. There's always a path to victory. We just have [cdb]to find it.
  107. Your destiny ends here.
  108. We can no more afford to lose than you.
  109. We've won...
  110. I'm just genuinely glad we survived.
  111. Excellent. I imagine I would feel deep regret [cdb]if we hadn't made it in time.
  112. We managed to fend them off, but that was [cdb]surprisingly difficult.
  113. We've escaped. Now to rally our forces.
  114. It was a hard-fought battle, but it's [cdb]finally over.
  115. Our mission failed. Further fighting would be [cdb]pointless.
  116. Most curious... Where did I go wrong?
  117. I cannot waste this opportunity.
  118. I prepared for a scenario like this.
  119. Nothing blocks our path now.
  120. We can't get through... Now what?
  121. Time to advance.
  122. I'll focus on support.
  123. Now let's see how useful my power really is.
  124. Everyone, advance.
  125. Assist them.
  126. Rush to their rescue.
  127. Would you go on defense?
  128. Nothing else to do but wait for a rescue.
  129. Will you help me? I require your strength.
  130. Apologies, but I need some assistance.
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. How peculiar. I feel as though I can crush [cdb]anyone who stands in my way.
  134. It feels as though my body won't do what I tell [cdb]it. Strange.
  135. I'll see what I can do.
  136. I will put my plan into action.
  137. Things are progressing nicely.
  138. What should we do next?
  139. My talents have proved inadequate. My apologies.
  140. I cannot excuse such a poor result.
  141. I'm pretty useful, aren't I?
  142. Even I could not have foreseen this.
  143. Success favors those with the courage to try.
  144. I'm glad it turned out well.
  145. I'm so ashamed...
  146. We must employ swift countermeasures.