1. I should be able to manage this much.
  2. That was much easier than expected!
  3. I cannot lose!
  4. Somehow I managed.
  5. I wish there was another way.
  6. I believe this location belongs to us now.
  7. Area successfully captured!
  8. That was certainly a well-fortified stronghold.
  9. Looks like someone got a little overconfident!
  10. Do you see now that I am perfectly capable, Brother?
  11. I cannot always depend on you and the others [cdb]to protect me, Lady Rhea.
  12. I am determined as well, Dorothea.
  13. I will not have you questioning my dependability [cdb]upon the battlefield, Ashe.
  14. Are you hurt, Cyril? It is all right, you can [cdb]tell me.
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Why do I feel as though I have seen you [cdb]somewhere before...
  20. You know, in some tales, the princesses defeat [cdb]the knights.
  21. You are quite the enigma.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. The cruelties of war are without number...
  25. I wish we could have met under different [cdb]circumstances.
  26. If all that fighting helped protect my friends, [cdb]then it was worth it.
  27. It seems I am actually rather strong!
  28. I am all right... I think...
  29. Mother, protect me...
  30. I knew you would come for me!
  31. I promise to repay your kindness one day.
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. A striking display!
  35. So steadfast!
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. It is a comfort to know we can rely on you.
  39. Well done, Brother. I am so very grateful you [cdb]are with us.
  40. I have never seen anyone fight as elegantly as [cdb]you, Lady Rhea.
  41. You are simply radiant, Catherine! I truly [cdb]admire you!
  42. We can always count on you, Cyril. Please keep Lady Rhea safe.
  43. I find you curious...and strangely captivating.
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. How remarkable! Is there nothing you [cdb]cannot do?
  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Oh my, how impressive! I take great comfort [cdb]in having such talent on our side.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. Fódlan is truly vast. I had no idea it was home [cdb]to people as strong as you.
  56. You may be a bit overbearing, but I could not [cdb]be prouder of you, Brother.
  57. I know violence is not your way, but your [cdb]strength is unparalleled, Lady Rhea.
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. There is no one else I would rather have by [cdb]my side.
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. This simply will not do.
  66. We must rise above this.
  67. Impressive as ever, I see... But this is far from [cdb]over.
  68. It seems they mean business.
  69. I might be outmatched...
  70. We shall attack together!
  71. I will protect this place! Watch and see!
  72. Oh no! If their attack succeeds, it is all over!
  73. No... How could this be?
  74. I can see talking is not an option.
  75. I will take you on.
  76. I am sorry for it, but I will defeat you.
  77. There is nothing more tragic than fighting a [cdb]friend.
  78. I will fight you with all that I can muster.
  79. Prepare yourself, Brother. I am not as weak as I once was.
  80. I am grateful for the opportunity to face you, Lady Rhea.
  81. I do not know if I can win unless I try.
  82. Do not hold back because I am your [cdb]opponent, Cyril.
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. The mission was a success!
  89. I am sorry, everyone... I do not think I can [cdb]continue to fight...
  90. I was not strong enough...
  91. Perhaps a momentary retreat would be wise.
  92. Everyone, just hold on a little while longer!
  93. We should join forces!
  94. It seems my time has come.
  95. I do not give up that easily.
  96. The real battle is about to begin.
  97. Mother...I will see you soon.
  98. I am not inclined to fight, but I will when I must.
  99. I know we can win if we work together.
  100. I am fully prepared to do battle.
  101. Oh no! We must make haste!
  102. I will defend with all my strength!
  103. A shame we shall have no time to take in the [cdb]sights.
  104. Peace for Fódlan may lie beyond this battle...
  105. I shall do my very best!
  106. We must give it our all!
  107. You will see our rejoinder soon enough.
  108. It is a shame we do not fight on the [cdb]same side...
  109. It is over. I must tend to the wounded at once.
  110. If only this meant the end of the war...
  111. Thank goodness our rescue was successful. Is anyone hurt?
  112. We held out. I hope my brother will be [cdb]impressed.
  113. That was truly harrowing, but I am glad we [cdb]are all safe.
  114. I can hardly believe we won... I am [cdb]exhausted...
  115. How could I possibly face the others after [cdb]failing them so?
  116. Forgive me! I can fight no longer.
  117. I believe they call this "having the upper [cdb]hand."
  118. They seem to have us overpowered...
  119. Wonderful! Now we can proceed.
  120. Now what? We cannot get through.
  121. Let us move out.
  122. Please support them.
  123. I will assist you.
  124. I would like you to advance.
  125. Assist them, if you'd be so kind.
  126. Please go to their rescue.
  127. Defend to your utmost!
  128. I feel so helpless just waiting for someone to [cdb]save me...
  129. Would you be so kind as to aid me?
  130. You have come just in time! I desperately [cdb]need your help!
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. I will stop at nothing to protect my friends.
  134. This is less than ideal...
  135. I will give it my all!
  136. I shall do my part.
  137. I did it! I really did it!
  138. Hehe, perfect, right?
  139. I do not know what happened...
  140. I failed...
  141. I hope I helped.
  142. It was not supposed to turn out this way...
  143. I must always try my best!
  144. Yay!
  145. It was too much for me...
  146. We must do something!