1. Return to ash!
  2. I do have a few years on you.
  3. Did I catch you off guard?
  4. You were no match for me!
  5. I'm guided by time's flow!
  6. This land was always mine.
  7. I shall take back all that is mine.
  8. You could not stop me if you tried.
  9. You wield your force with shocking skill...
  10. Do you now see the gulf between our strength?
  11. I shall not be defeated by the likes of you.
  12. I see the weariness within. Too weak to lift [cdb]your hammer now?
  13. How vexed I am to be opposed by you.
  14. Perhaps I went too far? My thanks for [cdb]tending to my vessel's health.
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You parasites are gluttons, all.
  20. The Relic I shall leave to you for now. But soon a day of reckoning will come.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. <<<EMPTY>>>
  25. <<<EMPTY>>>
  26. This pales compared to my past might.
  27. This is but a small fraction of my strength.
  28. How could I be outmatched?
  29. For all those who call Fódlan home, I must not [cdb]fall today...
  30. Well done!
  31. Quite worthy of some praise!
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. Great work!
  35. I have to say I am impressed!
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. You must reach higher still!
  39. I see how much that you have grown.
  40. Do not deny your age and strength! Embrace your might!
  41. I am so glad that you are giving it your all.
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. <<<EMPTY>>>
  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Another worthy adversary has appeared! No, wait. That one is on our side!
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. I still expect great things from you. You are my vessel after all!
  56. I see you strive to embody your name, Immaculate One!
  57. It has been quite the treat to see the Hammer [cdb]of Judgment once again.
  58. Not quite what I would have expected from [cdb]the Benevolent One.
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. I shall make them pay for that.
  66. Can they not comport themselves better [cdb]than that?
  67. The time has come for me to intervene!
  68. I shall handle them myself!
  69. This hindrance will not change a thing.
  70. Can I not purge this place from this [cdb]telluric realm?
  71. This stronghold shall not fall as long as I stand [cdb]guard.
  72. Oh no. It seems they are on their last legs.
  73. What are you people doing? Honestly...
  74. I see the flow of time has led us here.
  75. This fear you feel is not without good cause!
  76. <<<EMPTY>>>
  77. <<<EMPTY>>>
  78. You draw that blade on me? Is your demise [cdb]that which you seek?
  79. You truly think you stand a chance against [cdb]me, hm?
  80. Another lesson for you now.
  81. The Hammer of Judgment, hm? I see that [cdb]time has not been kind to you.
  82. I do not recognize this form you take, Benevolent One.
  83. I know of your great strength by way of my [cdb]vessel.
  84. What do you plot this time? I shall not let you [cdb]work your ill upon this world!
  85. It wounds my heart to see you in this form.
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Most wonderful!
  89. Impossible! I will not be outdone!
  90. Hmph. This adds such insult to our injury.
  91. You will pay for this in due course!
  92. Await me here. I shall return posthaste.
  93. And now I shall take pleasure from this [cdb]battlefield.
  94. Behold, the power of The Beginning!
  95. Defeat does not become an ancient power [cdb]such as I.
  96. I have returned! I shall not fall!
  97. You will pay for that! Once I regain a body, [cdb]you shall feel my wrath!
  98. Let us annihilate the enemy.
  99. I could take care of such a paltry force on my [cdb]own if need be.
  100. The children of men are so troublesome.
  101. Fine. I'll save you, if I must.
  102. Defend, you say? You are demanding, [cdb]are you not?
  103. Hmph. It is utterly ridiculous that I should [cdb]have to run.
  104. Now show me all the flow of time has given [cdb]you!
  105. There is nothing to fear. Your cause and mine [cdb]are one!
  106. Be calm. This shall be sorted soon enough.
  107. You clearly do not know who you are dealing [cdb]with.
  108. You dare to challenge me?!
  109. My power covers Fódlan's every inch!
  110. A fitting end for fools.
  111. Some gratitude would serve you well.
  112. Behold my staunch defense! Immovable as [cdb]mountaintops!
  113. How could I not escape? I am swift as the Wind Caller himself!
  114. I am The Beginning, and you shall find me at [cdb]the end of all as well.
  115. Me, bested? But this cannot be!
  116. Unforgivable! You will face retribution!
  117. The heavens shall come crashing down [cdb]upon our foes!
  118. Your spirit is lacking! Pull yourselves together!
  119. They are fools to think they could block me!
  120. How dare they block my path!
  121. Go forth!
  122. I suppose I ought to help.
  123. Be grateful for my aid.
  124. What are you waiting for? Go!
  125. Go forth and offer aid!
  126. Go rescue them at once!
  127. Go over and defend!
  128. This is humiliating...
  129. I need you to lend me your power!
  130. Do not just stand there. Get over here and [cdb]lend me your assistance!
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. Behold the power of The Beginning!
  134. Hmph... This could be going better...
  135. The bold are graced with luck!
  136. Leave everything to me!
  137. There is nothing I cannot do!
  138. Hmph. A bit beneath me.
  139. Ugh... That was more difficult than I thought [cdb]it would be!
  140. How undignified...
  141. Behold my strength!
  142. Do not patronize me!
  143. This shall be done posthaste!
  144. Success!
  145. Even the mighty may stumble at times!
  146. What is that?!