1. I shall save this corrupted world.
  2. By my hand shall we reclaim the light.
  3. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4. <<<EMPTY>>>
  5. <<<EMPTY>>>
  6. I've seized a key position.
  7. On to the next stronghold.
  8. <<<EMPTY>>>
  9. Unfortunately for you, that body belongs to [cdb]me now.
  10. This world shall be ours once more!
  11. <<<EMPTY>>>
  12. <<<EMPTY>>>
  13. <<<EMPTY>>>
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I will show you no clemency.
  20. I will bring your dream to fruition. Sleep now, my kin.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Return to the spiral of souls.
  25. <<<EMPTY>>>
  26. Do not resent my actions—I am but purging [cdb]this world of darkness and corruption.
  27. It appears I have finally grown accustomed [cdb]to using this body.
  28. I urgently require aid.
  29. I must not die yet!
  30. I believed you would come through. You have [cdb]my thanks.
  31. <<<EMPTY>>>
  32. I appreciate you taking the time.
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. Wield your power to its fullest!
  35. <<<EMPTY>>>
  36. I am certain your power will suffice!
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. Impressive. Though we share the same flesh, I am astonished at your power.
  39. Nothing brings joy quite like the success of [cdb]one's kin.
  40. <<<EMPTY>>>
  41. <<<EMPTY>>>
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. <<<EMPTY>>>
  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. It is quite unexpected that someone with such [cdb]strength would reside on the surface.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. I see my vessel has made satisfactory progress.
  56. <<<EMPTY>>>
  57. <<<EMPTY>>>
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. They must be eliminated.
  66. <<<EMPTY>>>
  67. I will be rid of you. It is tragic, but necessary.
  68. <<<EMPTY>>>
  69. I won't be able to hold out if this continues!
  70. It shall be overrun.
  71. I will never allow this position to be taken.
  72. Failure awaits should that position fall. We must act now.
  73. It fell? How could this be...
  74. Glory for all Agarthans!
  75. <<<EMPTY>>>
  76. Forgive me. Our light lies across your grave.
  77. <<<EMPTY>>>
  78. I am grateful to you, truly. I will ensure you [cdb]don't suffer as you die.
  79. Long have I awaited this day, abomination. If not for you, Agartha would yet bask in the [cdb]light of day!
  80. It is terribly tragic when those with a shared [cdb]purpose fight amongst themselves.
  81. <<<EMPTY>>>
  82. <<<EMPTY>>>
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. I have completed my task.
  89. I cannot believe I've been driven from the [cdb]battlefield!
  90. I am left with little choice but to retreat.
  91. I must withdraw for now!
  92. I will temporarily withdraw.
  93. I will join in this fight.
  94. Don't blame me. Blame your so-called "goddess."
  95. I will not be undone! Not yet!
  96. I am not one to let things go.
  97. No... The light... It fades...
  98. I must finish this quickly.
  99. <<<EMPTY>>>
  100. <<<EMPTY>>>
  101. There's no time to waste. Let us go.
  102. I vow I shall give no ground.
  103. I have no desire to see the souls of my kin fade.
  104. It is time to put an end to this millenia-long [cdb]conflict!
  105. Come, let us end this.
  106. Sometimes a battle must be won, no matter [cdb]how hopeless it is.
  107. I will obliterate you if you get in my way!
  108. Do not think I'll give you free rein over this [cdb]battle.
  109. Small wins inexorably lead to true victory.
  110. <<<EMPTY>>>
  111. Pardon the lateness of my rescue.
  112. They did not make it easy, but our defense [cdb]was a success. Good work.
  113. They shall pay for this someday.
  114. Hah... Hahaha! At long last, our eternal battle [cdb]has reached its conclusion!
  115. I admit defeat...for now.
  116. I will not accept this... I still have a mission to [cdb]fulfill!
  117. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by!
  118. Our enemy must be disposed of.
  119. Now we can proceed!
  120. A quandary. How can we advance?
  121. Advancing.
  122. I offer you my help.
  123. I imagine my strength could be of some use.
  124. Proceed.
  125. Provide assistance.
  126. Go to their rescue.
  127. You, go on the defense.
  128. Apologies, but I require your help.
  129. Lend me your aid.
  130. You must help me—for the sake of the future I seek!
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. The light of Agartha grants me strength!
  134. We are in a tight spot...
  135. I shall endeavor to see this done.
  136. <<<EMPTY>>>
  137. I would call this a success.
  138. <<<EMPTY>>>
  139. This is a minor setback. We will recover [cdb]quickly.
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. What will I achieve next?
  142. <<<EMPTY>>>
  143. I'm off.
  144. This bodes well.
  145. How could I have failed?
  146. A most unwelcome situation.