1. And with that, may I present the mercenary I [cdb]spoke of.
  2. Greetings. My name is Rhea, and I am the [cdb]archbishop of the Church of Seiros.
  3. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for [cdb]rescuing our students.
  4. Show some pride.
  5. Remain humble.
  6. Eh, it was nothing. You take a job, you make sure [cdb]it gets done. That's what a mercenary does.
  7. Eh, it was nothing. You take a job, you make sure [cdb]it gets done. That's what a mercenary does.
  8. I see you do not lack for confidence.
  9. I'm just glad I could help.
  10. I'm just glad I could help.
  11. Such modesty is not required around me. Your actions were truly commendable.
  12. However, the reason we summoned you here was [cdb]not simply to express our gratitude.
  13. We have a proposal for you—one made on behalf [cdb]of the church itself.
  14. What kind of proposal?
  15. What kind of proposal?
  16. Someone told you of the Officers Academy [cdb]here at the monastery, yes?
  17. We would have you join this academy as a student.
  18. You what?!
  19. You what?!
  20. Though you are a mercenary, I understand you are [cdb]not currently beholden to any one particular [cdb]employer.
  21. Also, the students you rescued are close to your [cdb]own age.
  22. Your life could be greatly enriched here.
  23. Or she's heard about our power and wants to keep [cdb]us on a short leash.
  24. And yet she's taking it almost as a given that we'll [cdb]accept. It's infuriating!
  25. Turn her down.
  26. Express interest in the offer.
  27. Uh, sorry, but the world's got other plans for me. I can't afford to stay here forever.
  28. Sorry, but the world's got other plans for me. I can't afford to stay here forever.
  29. Oh, this would not be forever. You would only be [cdb]enrolled for one year.
  30. Bear in mind that the Knights of Seiros and many [cdb]other powerful warriors pass through these gates.
  31. Whether you seek to someday become an officer or [cdb]simply increase your own strength, this environment [cdb]will undoubtedly aid in your pursuits.
  32. I need to get stronger if I'm gonna do what I need to.
  33. I need to get stronger if I'm gonna do what I need to.
  34. If your fancy school can really make that happen, [cdb]consider me interested.
  35. If your fancy school can really make that happen, [cdb]consider me interested.
  36. The Knights of Seiros—as well as many other [cdb]powerful warriors—pass daily through the gates [cdb]of this hallowed monastery.
  37. If strength is what you are after, we can certainly [cdb]provide it in spades.
  38. They've really talked us into a corner here. I think I see where this is going.
  39. Agree to enroll in the Officers Academy.
  40. All right. I'm in.
  41. All right. I'm in.
  42. A wise decision.
  43. We will do all we can to ensure you do not regret it.
  44. I believe you will go far.
  45. If I may, permit me to tell you a bit more about [cdb]the school itself.
  46. The academy is divided into three houses, [cdb]and draws in the most promising young talents [cdb]from every corner of Fódlan.
  47. Some are noble born, while others spring from more [cdb]humble roots—but within these walls, all are treated [cdb]as equals.
  48. We ask our prospects to spend a year living under the [cdb]same dormitory roof so they can challenge each other, [cdb]work hard, and grow together.
  49. Each of our houses corresponds to one of Fódlan's [cdb]three regions.
  50. Edelgard leads the Black Eagle House, which is for [cdb]students from the Adrestian Empire.
  51. Dimitri leads the the Blue Lion House, home to [cdb]students from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
  52. And Claude leads the Golden Deer House, [cdb]for students from the Leicester Alliance.
  53. We could select a house for you ourselves, [cdb]but as all of this was our idea, perhaps we should [cdb]leave this decision to you.
  54. You are something of a special case, after all.
  55. So I can join any house I want?
  56. So I can join any house I want?
  57. Yes. You have simply to name it.
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. So you wish to join Edelgard's Black Eagles. Are you certain?
  62. So you wish to join Dimitri's Blue Lions. Are you certain?
  63. So you wish to join Claude's Golden Deer. Are you certain?
  64. Nod your assent.
  65. Reconsider your choice.
  66. Yep, that's the one. I'm sure of it.
  67. Yep, that's the one. I'm sure of it.
  68. Actually, hold on a sec.
  69. Actually, hold on a sec.
  70. Choose carefully—and if you are unsure, [cdb]lend an ear to the goddess. Her wisdom is [cdb]ever present to guide you on the path ahead.
  71. May you build wonderful and lasting friendships in [cdb]your new house.
  72. Well then! With that taken care of, it's time to decide [cdb]which of us will supervise which house.
  73. Yes, it turns out we just underwent a last-minute [cdb]roster change.
  74. I guess you two haven't met. This is Professor Jeritza, [cdb]our weapons instructor.
  75. Hello.
  76. Greet him.
  77. Admire his ability.
  78. Nice meeting you, uh, sir. Don't load me up with [cdb]too much homework, all right?
  79. Nice meeting you, uh, sir. Don't load me up with [cdb]too much homework, all right?
  80. Hmph.
  81. I can already tell I'm gonna learn a lot from you.
  82. I can already tell I'm gonna learn a lot from you.
  83. Will you, now?
  84. Do my ears deceive me, or is that curiosity I hear [cdb]in your voice, Professor Jeritza?
  85. I thought all the houses were the same to you?
  86. Perhaps you should be in charge of our new student's [cdb]house, hm?
  87. I don't care. You decide.
  88. Well, you'll certainly hear no objections from me! Professor Manuela, you and I can take charge [cdb]of the remaining houses.
  89. What, it's decided already? I was at least expecting [cdb]a fight. Maybe some hair-pulling.
  90. And as for you, my mysterious new student, I look forward to getting to know you much, [cdb]much better throughout the year.
  91. The gall of these people, making decisions for you! It's enough to make one's head spin.
  92. With the way you hemmed and hawed over your [cdb]choice, you'd think they'd at least pretend to give it [cdb]the same amount of thought.
  93. Er, right. In any case, I'm looking forward to [cdb]learning from you, Professor Jeritza.
  94. Er, right. In any case, I'm looking forward to [cdb]learning from you, Professor Jeritza.
  95. I'll inform you of our first mission soon.
  96. Sorry, what mission?
  97. Sorry, what mission?
  98. Oh, did we fail to mention that?
  99. Each month, every house in the academy is given a [cdb]mission entailing some form of service to the church.