1. Dorothea, please hear me out. I suspect there is [cdb]something you misunderstand about me.
  2. Ferdie, we're working, remember? And anyway, [cdb]you should save that for when we're alone.
  3. All right, let's work together and get this done. No idle chit-chat today, Ferdie!
  4. Er, right. I will just...focus on work.
  5. Well, I have things to do, so bye for now.
  6. Oh, uh, Dorothea... Apologies, but would you mind [cdb]handling the report?
  7. Gah! My apologies. I will focus on the food, seeing as [cdb]you were kind enough to treat me.
  8. Well said, Ferdie.
  9. It's easy to enjoy a relaxing meal when it's the three [cdb]of us. You have my thanks.
  10. The honor is mine to be hearing such words from [cdb]your lips!
  11. Go easy on me, Ferdie. All right?
  12. I only hope my mind doesn't wander to other things [cdb]while we train...