1. Stuck with you again? Fine, let's get this over with.
  2. Indeed, we should finish this quickly for both of [cdb]our sakes.
  3. Let's be quick, shall we? I know you don't care much [cdb]for working with me.
  4. Hmph, I never said that. Don't put words in [cdb]my mouth.
  5. What do you expect? That was child's play.
  6. And yet... No, we can leave it at that. I appreciate the [cdb]help today, Felix.
  7. What's with that look, boar? You could at least [cdb]pretend to enjoy the food.
  8. Oh, I do. I was merely focused on a stray dab of [cdb]sauce on your cheek. Shall I wipe it off for you?
  9. I've always enjoyed watching you eat, Felix. There's something almost heroic about it. Hm? Is something the matter?
  10. If you keep talking, all I'm going to be able to taste is [cdb]hot air. Now let me eat my food in peace.
  11. You'll be my partner today, Felix? No need to hold [cdb]back, then.
  12. Right. Just don't go so hard you wreck the training [cdb]grounds. Other people use this place, you know.