1. By your valiant efforts, Arianrhod has held strong. I thank you one and all.
  2. Eh, I hardly broke a sweat. Those Kingdom soldiers [cdb]were nothing!
  3. Wait, if they were nothing, then why was I having so [cdb]much trouble?
  4. I thought I was surely off to my death when Count Rowe turned on us.
  5. A fine job of pulling through. Truly, that dumb luck [cdb]of yours is awe-inspiring.
  6. I can't believe we had to kill Ingrid...
  7. She was a most formidable commander, Dorothea. We had no choice if we hoped to claim victory.
  8. I know that. You think I don't know that?
  9. Right now, we need to discuss our next move.
  10. I'm sending the main body of our army back [cdb]to Enbarr.
  11. They'll remain in the capital until they recuperate [cdb]from this latest string of battles, and until we've had [cdb]time to retool our strategy.
  12. We hold Arianrhod and the Western Church in the [cdb]west, the Great Bridge of Myrddin to the east, [cdb]and Garreg Mach between them.
  13. We'll treat all three as key positions and endeavor to [cdb]hold our lines there.
  14. After we regroup, we'll determine a proper time to [cdb]resume our advance.
  15. It vexes me to say this, but I have been shortsighted.
  16. We are nowhere near achieving our goals in the Alliance or the Kingdom.
  17. My command has been riddled with errors, [cdb]and for that, I apologize.
  18. Oh? And where exactly is all of this coming from? You usually exude confidence.
  19. From where I stand, we have come a great distance [cdb]with minimal casualties. If time has been lost, [cdb]we should be easily able to make up for it.
  20. I'm personally happy I had the chance to see Her Majesty's vulnerable side, even if just this once...
  21. Ah, reassuring her with predictable responses, are we? Well, sorry—for once I'm not sleepy at all.
  22. Nice try. That response still registers way up there on [cdb]the Lin scale.
  23. I will be using the extra time to make improvements [cdb]so I can offer more usefulness in future battles.
  24. I'm lucky to be surrounded by such consistent friends.
  25. Second the thought.
  26. Tease her a little.
  27. You can say that again.
  28. You can say that again.
  29. Yes, they are consistently something, at any rate.
  30. Apologies, Hubert. You may be weird, but I am the [cdb]good kind of consistent!
  31. How about me? Do I count as consistent?
  32. How about me? Do I count as consistent?
  33. I can always count on you to be you—and you may [cdb]take that any way you like.