1. Right then! We've got plenty of bright new faces here [cdb]at the roundtable today.
  2. First, a brand new count ruling Gloucester...
  3. And Duke Goneril and Count Ordelia have decided [cdb]that their heirs will sit for them.
  4. Unfortunately, Lorenz and Lysithea can't join us due [cdb]to their responsibilities in the Imperial army.
  5. Unfortunately, Lorenz was not able to leave Gloucester. He sends his apologies.
  6. And we have Marianne standing in for Margrave Edmund, as seems to be the way.
  7. Um...I'm sorry?
  8. I wish to return home as soon as possible, so I'll be [cdb]leaving the moment our business is concluded.
  9. I called you here to give you notice...
  10. The Leicester Alliance is assenting to the Empire's [cdb]request and sending troops to the Kingdom front.
  11. Houses Riegan, Gloucester, and Daphnel will be [cdb]supplying most of the soldiers.
  12. And instead of the usual route through Ailell, we'll be [cdb]invading Fraldarius directly by sea.
  13. You're staying behind, right, Holst?
  14. Indeed I am. Almyra is still an unknown quantity, [cdb]and we've no idea if or when Prince Shahid might [cdb]stage another attack.
  15. And the same goes for House Ordelia. They've had [cdb]more than their share of troubles on their border.
  16. We agreed that shipping their army away might not [cdb]be the most prudent of ideas.
  17. It was a reasonable request.
  18. My adoptive father has, um...already given his [cdb]blessing.
  19. And that's all she wrote. You'll find the details in the [cdb]document you've all been given.
  20. I wish the Kingdom would see they're between a rock [cdb]named Adrestia and a hard place named Leicester and [cdb]throw that white flag high, but of course they won't.
  21. So good luck, everyone. I'm counting on you.