1. The enemy commander, the former Duke Fraldarius, [cdb]has been defeated.
  2. Now Mateus territory and all the western lands of Faerghus will yield as one to the Empire.
  3. Still, this battle came at a far greater cost than we are [cdb]used to paying.
  4. Sadly, General Randolph is not the first important [cdb]commander we have lost.
  5. However, we have never been forced to cope with so [cdb]many dead and wounded.
  6. This is the most dead and wounded we have ever [cdb]faced in a battle. Not to mention the loss of General Randolph.
  7. And yet, we might finally be rid of one of the greatest [cdb]thorns in our collective side.
  8. Eliminating Captain Jeralt was a masterstroke. If we are lucky, his band will fall apart without him.
  9. Or it may throw them into a vengeful fury that makes [cdb]them stronger and more united than ever.
  10. That's going to be a problem, especially with the Ashen Demon still roaming the land unchecked.
  11. An intriguing figure, that one—and a Crest-bearer [cdb]for certain. We'd be smart to step lightly.
  12. Guess that explains where all the awesome power is [cdb]coming from.
  13. But the Ashen Demon doesn't strike me as nobility, [cdb]and only nobles have Crests.
  14. I'd posit the man standing next to you doesn't exactly [cdb]exude nobility either.
  15. The Demon's hair exhibits new color. It is like [cdb]something from one of Brigid's old stories.
  16. "One will be chosen by the spirits and granted their [cdb]protection. And with that protection, great power."
  17. Can I just go on the record and say no to vengeance? I have zero interest in being revenged upon.
  18. That's the risk one takes when entering battle, Bernadetta.
  19. Sadly, you can't take up arms and not expect reprisal.
  20. We have no control over whether they come for us or [cdb]not. We can only control what we do next.
  21. No way! No one's making me take my medicine!
  22. If you insist on continuing to interrupt Her Majesty, [cdb]you will have far more immediate things to fear than [cdb]an enemy's nebulous vengeance.
  23. Eep!
  24. Come to think of it, has anyone seen our mercenary [cdb]friend?
  25. I know what I told Fleche, but did I really do the [cdb]right thing?
  26. I know what I told Fleche, but did I really do the [cdb]right thing?
  27. Of course. You did what no one else could.
  28. The Ashen Demon may have escaped, but you got rid [cdb]of their captain.
  29. There's no question you've grown—and next time, [cdb]the Ashen Demon will fall.
  30. But so many people died—including Randolph.
  31. But so many people died—including Randolph.
  32. A price must always be paid for victory. And besides, Randolph is just one man.
  33. Say he was much more than that.
  34. Agree you didn't know him well.
  35. One man who was handpicked by Edelgard, just like [cdb]me. One man who shared all of our struggles.
  36. One man who was handpicked by Edelgard, just like [cdb]me. One man who shared all of our struggles.
  37. He was a good man and a fine ally, and now he's dead [cdb]because of me.
  38. He was a good man and a fine ally, and now he's dead [cdb]because of me.
  39. I had no idea you cared so much. All the more reason [cdb]to finish what you started.
  40. You can still make this death mean something, [cdb]and I can give you the strength to do so.
  41. I'll admit, we weren't close, but a comrade-in-arms is [cdb]still a comrade.
  42. I'll admit, we weren't close, but a comrade-in-arms is [cdb]still a comrade.
  43. If I hadn't messed it all up, he might still be alive.
  44. If I hadn't messed it all up, he might still be alive.
  45. Well, you can still make his death mean something, [cdb]and I can give you the strength to do so.
  46. Now cheer up! Seeing you sad like this makes me...
  47. Makes you what?
  48. Makes you what?
  49. Yes, it makes me very...something. Tight in the chest? Anyway, stop frowning at me. I don't like it.
  50. No matter what anyone else tells you, I'm the closest [cdb]ally you have.
  51. Remember, we're partners in destiny.