1. Imperial soldiers! The lands of Brennius now belong [cdb]to us!
  2. As you know, Brennius shares a border with Blaiddyd [cdb]territory.
  3. The enemy's stronghold of Fhirdiad is but a stone's [cdb]throw away—at long last, we approach the final push [cdb]of this campaign!
  4. Stay vigilant! But be not afraid!
  5. We shall wield our weapons as one, claim our victory, [cdb]and unite all of Fódlan under our flag!
  6. Huzzah!
  7. Blaiddyd land at last... The Kingdom will be more [cdb]desperate than ever now.
  8. As they should be. We have stripped away nearly half [cdb]of their territory at this point.
  9. But we still have the remaining houses to contend [cdb]with. Charon, Galatea, Fraldarius, and Gautier are all [cdb]unshakably faithful to the crown.
  10. They would tear us to pieces had they the chance. Certainly not my idea of a fun afternoon.
  11. Still, we have no choice but to face them unless they [cdb]decide to stop harboring the archbishop.
  12. Do you think that's even a possibility? The people of [cdb]the Kingdom are quite devout, after all.
  13. I highly doubt it. So let them huddle together like the [cdb]cornered rats they are and... Hmm?
  14. Huh? What's going on?
  15. Huh? What's going on?
  16. Urgent news, my lord!
  17. Massive revolts have broken out in Hrym [cdb]and Ordelia territory!
  18. What?!
  19. Did you say Hrym?!
  20. Ask where Hrym is.
  21. Act shocked.
  22. Uh, where's Hrym again?
  23. Uh, where's Hrym again?
  24. The eastern edge of the Empire, north of Aegir along [cdb]the Airmid River.
  25. And Ordelia land is across the bank, in Alliance [cdb]territory. It's also where Lysithea is from—and as [cdb]far as I know, her parents are still there!
  26. And Ordelia land is across the bank, in Alliance [cdb]territory. Something must have happened to stir [cdb]them up.
  27. Unrest in both the Empire and the Alliance? This can't be a coincidence.
  28. Unrest in both the Empire and the Alliance? This can't be a coincidence.
  29. Unrest in the Empire can't be a coincidence!
  30. Unrest in the Empire can't be a coincidence!
  31. So, those who slither in the dark have finally made [cdb]their move.
  32. This is it. This is our chance to figure out who or [cdb]what those people really are.