1. Urgent report, Your Majesty! After his failed charge, Dimitri forced his way south in retreat! He has fled [cdb]the battlefield!
  2. And the archbishop's right-hand man Seteth has [cdb]escaped to the north! We've lost sight of him and [cdb]his troops!
  3. Dimitri's the one to go after—things will get [cdb]complicated if we let him get away.
  4. We can move the fastest, so leave the pursuit to us. Just don't forget to send reinforcements, all right?
  5. I want the two of you to follow Claude.
  6. It's not that I don't trust him, exactly.
  7. I just want to make sure we're the ones who [cdb]apprehend Dimitri.
  8. Leave it to us.
  9. Leave it to us.
  10. Now that I think about it, there's something else to be [cdb]concerned about.
  11. Where was the archbishop? Where was the main [cdb]force of the Knights of Seiros?
  12. Rhea would've relished a battle like this, yet she [cdb]was nowhere to be found.
  13. No! Hubert, let me ask you something.
  14. When the archbishop escaped from Garreg Mach, [cdb]we found no evidence of how she managed to reach [cdb]this valley.
  15. Correct?
  16. Indeed. We searched high and low, but it was only by [cdb]chance that we picked up her trail in Ailell.
  17. That is how we knew she had entered the Kingdom. Without that clue, she would have been in the wind.
  18. Just as I suspected.
  19. What is it, Ferdinand? Is Garreg Mach in danger?
  20. I fear so. There could be a secret path between [cdb]this valley and the monastery that only the church [cdb]knows about.
  21. And in that case, the archbishop might be using it to [cdb]stage an attack on Garreg Mach!
  22. It's certainly possible. Hubert, your thoughts?
  23. I will look into it, but I am almost certain that Ferdinand's theory is correct.
  24. We should assume this is the case and [cdb]take action immediately.
  25. Of course it is correct. Very wise of you to see that.
  26. In that case, we'll divide our troops.
  27. The main force will proceed with occupying Galatea.
  28. We'll lead the remaining third south to Garreg Mach, [cdb]and continue our pursuit of Dimitri.
  29. There's no sign of them.
  30. There's no sign of them.
  31. ...
  32. ...
  33. What's wrong?
  34. What's wrong?
  35. Oh, nothing.
  36. Huh?!
  37. Huh?!
  38. Just thinking how the time has finally come.