1. And that appears to be the current situation.
  2. The Knights of Seiros are one thing. We came [cdb]prepared to deal with them, and we can do so.
  3. But now you say those who slither in the dark have [cdb]turned this into a three-way battle? Why?
  4. I am as baffled as you regarding a possible motive.
  5. Perhaps it was vital they seize the monastery before [cdb]we could get here.
  6. If they knew we were engaged in a lengthy fight at Ailell, they might have seen this as their chance.
  7. Well, they saved Count Varley's life either way.
  8. So be it. We will use this situation to our advantage [cdb]and conduct a rescue.
  9. We can't afford to lose Garreg Mach or Count Varley.
  10. With one battle, we'll destroy the Central Church [cdb]and put an end to those who slither in the dark.
  11. It's strange... I stopped caring about my father a long [cdb]time ago, but the thought that he might die is... It's...
  12. He is not dead yet, Bernadetta. Unless you intend to [cdb]be leaving him to his fates?
  13. No. No, of course not! I'm going to save him!
  14. If we're sloppy about this, we'll get dragged into the [cdb]ongoing battle and suffer heavy losses.
  15. I would prefer to make this as easy for ourselves as we [cdb]can. Let's find out what's going on in there, then look [cdb]for the safest way in.
  16. I can tell you one thing—if Lord Arundel is here, I will choke the life out of him personally.
  17. I'll even let you watch, Your Majesty!
  18. Yes, just...try not to overdo it.
  19. If that is settled, we will accomplish nothing more [cdb]by brooding down here.
  20. Agreed. We'll begin the attack as soon as our [cdb]preparations are complete.