1. After the last two years with Dimitri, I thought we'd [cdb]seen every battlefield there is to see in Faerghus.
  2. After the last two years with Dimitri, I thought we'd [cdb]seen every battlefield there is to see in Faerghus.
  3. But Magdred Way, huh? This one's new.
  4. But Magdred Way, huh? This one's new.
  5. A little foggy, don't you think? I might even hazard [cdb]to call it a lot foggy.
  6. You've never fought in conditions like these, so you'd [cdb]do well to keep what wits you have about you.
  7. If you're not careful in this fog you could find yourself [cdb]walking straight off a cliff. Horrible way to go, if you [cdb]ask me.
  8. Come on, you're not my mom. I can handle myself.
  9. C'mon, you're not my mom. I can handle myself.
  10. Wow, look who woke up on the confident side of the [cdb]bed! If that's how you feel, maybe you don't even [cdb]need my help anymore.
  11. Press the issue.
  12. Back off a little.
  13. You know what, yeah. Why don't you sit this one out? I've got a thing or two I can show you.
  14. You know what, yeah. Why don't you sit this one out? I've got a thing or two I can show you.
  15. Oh don't be ridiculous. And just in case you forgot, [cdb]if you die, I go with you.
  16. Our fates are intertwined, so don't do anything too [cdb]reckless, you understand? Now come on, let's go.
  17. Oh come on, it was a joke! Don't be so sensitive. You know I appreciate you.
  18. Oh come on, it was a joke! Don't be so sensitive. You know I appreciate you.
  19. Fine. But in case you forgot, if you die, I go with you. Our fates are intertwined.
  20. So no doing anything too reckless out there, [cdb]you understand? Now come on, let's go.