1. Let's reacquaint ourselves with the situation.
  2. Our forces have already pulled out of Arundel [cdb]territory and withdrawn to the Fortress City of Arianrhod.
  3. The same city which finds itself now besieged by the Imperial army.
  4. Most troubling, Your Majesty.
  5. The Knights of Seiros dispatched their very best to [cdb]the scene, but they find themselves at the sword end [cdb]of the emperor's personal guard.
  6. Still, the citadel will not fall easily. The stalemate [cdb]could continue for some time yet.
  7. Can we really afford to wait, though? Arianrhod's [cdb]supplies have gotta be running thin by now.
  8. Can we really afford to wait, though? Arianrhod's [cdb]supplies have gotta be running thin by now.
  9. If we go without proper preparation, the Imperial [cdb]army will simply crush us.
  10. Agreed. We should be using the time we have to [cdb]strike in a manner most favorable to our situation.
  11. What we need do is sever the Imperial supply chain... then overwhelm and exterminate the withering [cdb]remains of Edelgard's army.
  12. Hold on, you wanna win the whole war in one go?
  13. Hold on, you wanna win the whole war in one go?
  14. Indeed I do. We have been gifted the opportunity of [cdb]a lifetime, and I do not intend to let it slip through [cdb]my fingers.
  15. It will be a pincer attack, with the fortress at the Empire's front and our battalion at their rear. Even [cdb]with their larger numbers we will hold the advantage.
  16. All the more so with the Knights of Seiros in charge [cdb]of defending Arianrhod.
  17. And even if the emperor herself escapes, we'll have [cdb]still dealt a huge blow to the Empire's military.
  18. Oh, I feel nervous all of a sudden. I never expected [cdb]we'd reach a decisive battle like this so soon.
  19. Will we truly be able to win?
  20. Raise everyone's spirits.
  21. Express your own doubt.
  22. We can do this, I know we can. The terrain here is [cdb]in our favor—as long as we press that advantage, [cdb]we'll come out on top.
  23. We can do this, I know we can. The terrain here is [cdb]in our favor—as long as we press that advantage, [cdb]we'll come out on top.
  24. Their army is...massive. How much can we really do [cdb]against a force that size?
  25. Their army is...massive. How much can we really do [cdb]against a force that size?
  26. You needn't fear. We will control the tide of battle, [cdb]and we will emerge victorious. I'm sure of it.
  27. Let us rally the troops, Your Majesty.
  28. Yes. Onward, to victory.