1. We've received report of a large Imperial force [cdb]amassed in the Valley of Torment!
  2. They march under the flag of the Black Eagle— [cdb]the emperor's personal force. They seem to be [cdb]wise to our intentions.
  3. Should've guessed this wasn't gonna be easy.
  4. Should've guessed this wasn't gonna be easy.
  5. We knew the Empire might figure out what we're up [cdb]to, but I didn't think we'd be graced by the emperor [cdb]herself.
  6. The enemy has placed all their pieces on the board. Now we must do the same.
  7. There's something else. About the scouting unit we [cdb]sent out yesterday...
  8. We've gotten word they were attacked by a company [cdb]of dark mages.
  9. The same ones Cornelia and Myson commanded, I presume.
  10. I believe so. They seem similar in appearance and [cdb]capability.
  11. You've got history with these mages, huh?
  12. You could say that. And if they fly Empire colors, [cdb]the situation may be exactly as I feared.
  13. This battle will surely take its toll on us. Do not let [cdb]your guard down, Claude.
  14. Sadly, I can offer little more guidance than that. These mages are largely an unknown quantity, [cdb]even to me.
  15. Got it. I'll make sure my people keep an eye out for [cdb]them, at least.
  16. Please do. We'll be counting on your support.
  17. How long has it been since the Kingdom and Alliance fought arm in arm? Probably not since [cdb]the big split 300 years ago, huh?
  18. I'm proud we can put that history behind us today. With our strengths combined, we will condemn the Empire to a crushing defeat.
  19. Another chance to go toe-to-toe with those [cdb]mages, hm?
  20. This could be yet another opportunity to learn [cdb]about our true nature.
  21. Get excited.
  22. Temper your expectations.
  23. You're right. We're not gonna let 'em get away [cdb]this time!
  24. You're right. We're not gonna let 'em get away [cdb]this time!
  25. And I'll do all I can to help. Whatever it takes to [cdb]bring our clouded past to light.
  26. Though, try not to forget our first priority, will you? The Ashen Demon must die.
  27. I dunno. Even if we do capture one, it's not like [cdb]they're just gonna spill all their secrets to us.
  28. I dunno. Even if we do capture one, it's not like [cdb]they're just gonna spill all their secrets to us.
  29. Who knows? Frankly, I wouldn't mind even if we [cdb]never learned the truth.
  30. I'll be with you, always. You can count on that.
  31. Now, come. We shouldn't keep your friends waiting.