1. What is the situation? Is the archbishop safe?
  2. Forgive me. Our initial strike on the monastery [cdb]proved successful...
  3. But my unit was separated from Lady Rhea's, [cdb]and before we knew it those dark mages had [cdb]descended upon us.
  4. You've done well to make it here. Thank you for [cdb]your report.
  5. Lady Rhea's in trouble. We have to help her!
  6. There's no point panicking about it, Mercie.
  7. If they're giving even the knights trouble, we should [cdb]make sure we're extra ready before we head in there [cdb]ourselves.
  8. Lady Rhea possesses greater knowledge of the [cdb]monastery than anyone else.
  9. If she is in distress after her successful surprise attack, [cdb]that is troubling indeed.
  10. Lady Rhea's got a better grasp of the monastery's [cdb]layout than anyone.
  11. Even with her smaller unit, she had a real shot of [cdb]taking the whole place by herself.
  12. Those mages must have thrown off our calculations.
  13. I bring news, Your Majesty. We've just concluded our [cdb]survey of Garreg Mach and its surroundings.
  14. A man we believe to be Thales was seen entering the [cdb]monastery with the emperor following close behind.
  15. So she's fallen into his hands.
  16. So Viscount Fenja spoke true.
  17. The one grasping the reins of the Imperial army now [cdb]is no longer Edelgard, but Thales.
  18. Surely those dark mages are his as well.
  19. Makes sense why the knights had trouble, then.
  20. Makes sense why the knights had trouble, then.
  21. Indeed. Still, with all our greatest enemies gathered [cdb]in one place, we have a chance to end this war here [cdb]and now.
  22. If we can put them to rout here, so much of what ails [cdb]our Kingdom will be destroyed along with them.
  23. Hmph, perhaps. But our task is clear either way.
  24. Yep. Smash our enemies, win the war, and restore [cdb]peace to Fódlan.
  25. Yep. Smash our enemies, win the war, and restore [cdb]peace to Fódlan.
  26. Well said.
  27. The Alliance should be here soon as well, assuming [cdb]they've broken through the Imperial ranks in the Valley of Torment.
  28. The Alliance should be here soon as well, assuming [cdb]they've broken through the Imperial ranks in the Valley of Torment.
  29. Everyone. This battle will determine what lies [cdb]ahead for Fódlan—not just tomorrow, but every [cdb]day beyond that as well.
  30. We cannot afford much time to prepare, but let us [cdb]ready to make our future a prosperous one.