1. The Imperial forces within the Alliance are currently [cdb]dispersed between the western part of Riegan [cdb]territory and the northern part of Gloucester lands.
  2. They're making a desperate attempt to march south, [cdb]but Count Gloucester's persistent attacks have slowed [cdb]their progress.
  3. I would appreciate it if you could be more precise [cdb]with your language. In fact, my father's tactics have [cdb]halted the Imperial army's southward advance.
  4. I'm pretty sure that's what I just said. Anyway, [cdb]here's where we come in.
  5. We'll surround the enemy, cutting off their retreat [cdb]and cornering them in western Riegan territory. Then we give them a good thrashing.
  6. That's it? Sounds kinda simple, if you ask me.
  7. That's it? Sounds kinda simple, if you ask me.
  8. Hey, what more could you want? All the best plans [cdb]are easy to understand. Trust me, it's a sure win.
  9. Yeah, even I know what's going on now!
  10. We just have to herd the Imperial army into [cdb]western Riegan territory and stop them from [cdb]moving any further south, right?
  11. Couldn't have said it better myself. Just remember [cdb]that the enemy knows this is their last stand. We [cdb]have to proceed with caution.
  12. I want to finish them off before Count Bergliez has a [cdb]chance to muster a sizable army and mount an attack.
  13. Um... Ferdinand and Bernadetta are leading the Imperial army, right?
  14. Hey, um, Ferdinand and Bernadetta are leading the Imperial army, right?
  15. I'm guessing you'd rather not kill them? Believe me, I don't want that either.
  16. We may have been in different classes, but they're still [cdb]our old friends from the academy. Once our forces [cdb]are in place, I plan to offer them terms of surrender.
  17. But for now, we need to focus on driving their army [cdb]into a corner.
  18. You got it! I swear on these biceps, I won't let them [cdb]get away!
  19. I dunno, I'm not convinced it's gonna be that easy... But I guess that's besides the point. We've gotta get [cdb]out there.
  20. I dunno, I'm not convinced it's gonna be that easy... But I guess that's besides the point. We've gotta get [cdb]out there.
  21. You said it. Let's move out!