1. Having been vested with my father's authority, I cast [cdb]the vote for House Goneril. We vote yea.
  2. And how say you, Count Gloucester?
  3. I have decided to yield House Gloucester's seat to [cdb]my son. Lorenz, you will cast your vote as the new [cdb]head of our house.
  4. Before I do, might I inquire as to the position of Count Ordelia?
  5. Count Ordelia couldn't attend in person, so he was [cdb]briefed in advance on this meeting's agenda.
  6. At which time, he expressed that House Ordelia [cdb]would support the opinion of the council.
  7. Then House Gloucester will join Houses Edmund [cdb]and Goneril and offer no objection. We vote yea.
  8. Then with the approval of all houses, the Alliance will [cdb]move forward with the proposal.
  9. Huh. Duke Goneril's position came as no surprise, [cdb]but I didn't expect Margrave Edmund to show so [cdb]much interest in your plan.
  10. Margrave Edmund knows an opportunity when he [cdb]sees one. I'm just glad that his calculations swung [cdb]in our favor.
  11. It goes without saying, but as the leader of House Daphnel, you have my full support.
  12. But I hope you understand that some of our other [cdb]front-line commanders don't share my enthusiasm.
  13. Oh, I'm well aware. I'll need to find some way to get [cdb]everyone on board.