1. The situation is grim. The Kingdom army and the Knights of Seiros have the monastery completely [cdb]surrounded.
  2. Your Majesty, the Kingdom army and the Knights of Seiros have already surrounded the monastery.
  3. And Rhea?
  4. She's here. Looks like she's commanding the Knights of Seiros herself.
  5. She's here. The archbishop appears to be [cdb]commanding the Knights of Seiros personally.
  6. With her leading the charge, the knights' morale [cdb]must be through the roof. Looks like your guess [cdb]was right on the mark, Lorenz.
  7. Indeed. If anything, Edelgard's predicament is even [cdb]more dire than I imagined.
  8. If you're sure you want to rescue her, we'll have to [cdb]move quickly, Your Majesty.
  9. Right. Let's go, everyone. Time to save the day!