1. Phew. I should call it a day. You sticking around?
  2. Nah, I should finish up too. Thanks, Shamir.
  3. I have to work out new unit formations for our [cdb]next battle.
  4. Hm... You're pretty conscientious for a mercenary.
  5. That's rare in our profession. Well, sorry to cut and [cdb]run. Good luck with all that.
  6. It's as good as done.
  7. Some help would be nice.
  8. No worries, I can handle it. It's my responsibility, [cdb]after all.
  9. Right. Well, if you ever need a hand, just let [cdb]me know.
  10. If you're really sorry, you could always give me [cdb]a hand sometime.
  11. It's my responsibility, but that doesn't mean I have to [cdb]do it alone.
  12. Fair enough. Come find me next time I'm off duty.
  13. Really? Thanks. Dependable as always, Shamir.
  14. Honestly, you're so mature for your age.
  15. You always seem so composed, almost wise. Even when we're just chatting.
  16. I wouldn't say wise. Save that for the higher-ups.
  17. I just mind my own business. Plenty of mercenaries [cdb]do the same.
  18. Yeah, you're definitely right about that.
  19. You know, you're pretty easygoing yourself, [cdb]even by merc standards.
  20. Have you been on your own for long? Didn't you [cdb]belong to a mercenary group at some point?
  21. Yeah, but I bounced around a lot. Let's see, [cdb]the company I was with the longest was...
  22. Probably Berling's Mercenaries, the last one I joined.
  23. But then we clashed with Jeralt's band, and I was the [cdb]only one who survived.
  24. There isn't a mercenary who hasn't lost someone or [cdb]something along the way.
  25. But losing trusted comrades...it stays with you.
  26. Yeah. Captain Berling, Getz, Lazley...
  27. We were a tight-knit group, if a little rough around [cdb]the edges. I would've been content staying with them [cdb]till the end.
  28. Maybe your experience is what's made you so [cdb]pragmatic.
  29. It takes real strength to overcome past hardships and [cdb]move on. That's what I think, anyway.
  30. You know...you seem way more pragmatic than me. I wonder what made you that way?
  31. You should know not to pry into a mercenary's past.
  32. But...if the right moment comes, maybe I'll tell you [cdb]about it.