1. Just the person I was looking for. Do you have plans [cdb]for the rest of the day?
  2. No, not really. I'm surprisingly free for once. Thought I'd put in some extra training.
  3. An admirable use of time. But I have a task I could [cdb]use your help with that should prove even more [cdb]enriching than training.
  4. Will you join me?
  5. Agree to go.
  6. Ask for details.
  7. Hey, if you're asking, I'm in.
  8. I thought as much. Come, we leave at once.
  9. Better than training, huh? What's going on?
  10. I'll explain on the way. Come, we leave at once.
  11. Holst, isn't this—
  12. Shhh! Lower your voice. There may well be sentries [cdb]on patrol nearby.
  13. So this is enemy territory. Great.
  14. See that encampment over there? They set up just a [cdb]few days ago.
  15. It's difficult to tell from here, but it doesn't seem to [cdb]be that big of an operation.
  16. Wait, so this is a recon mission? Don't we have scouts [cdb]for this sorta thing?
  17. I've been trying to ascertain how far the enemy has [cdb]advanced.
  18. But lately, they've tightened up their security. Too many of our scouts have gone missing.
  19. I thought it would be more efficient to look into [cdb]the matter personally.
  20. Still, I've never heard of a duke's son doing recon.
  21. Still, I've never heard of a duke doing recon.
  22. It saves everyone time if I do it myself, and I [cdb]don't have to risk any more valuable soldiers.
  23. And besides, this way I can gain even more [cdb]experience in the field. Even better than training, [cdb]wouldn't you say?
  24. Speak for yourself. I had no idea what I was getting [cdb]into, so I'm not close to ready for whatever's ahead.
  25. I know you're not the type to go down so easily. Trust me, you'll thank me for this later.
  26. Ah, and don't make light of reconnaissance. There are many lessons to be learned out here that [cdb]training could never hope to teach you.
  27. All right, so what's next? We gonna take a [cdb]closer look?
  28. Might as well, yes. It couldn't hurt to get into a little [cdb]scuffle and gauge the enemy's strength.
  29. Sounds like the perfect opportunity to see you fight [cdb]up close.
  30. All right, let's do this.
  31. That's the spirit. Now let's move!
  32. Hey! You're not supposed to be here!
  33. Seems we've been spotted. My name is Holst Sigiswald Goneril!
  34. Those with any skill or courage, have at thee!
  35. Why tell the enemy your name? Maybe recon really [cdb]isn't his thing...