1. Hey there, how's my favorite mercenary?
  2. The enemy's practically on our doorstep, but you're [cdb]still taking the time to check on me?
  3. Why not? I'll never be too busy to check on you.
  4. Ha-ha, very funny. So what, you're just being nice?
  5. Not exactly. You didn't get a chance to learn [cdb]anything, even after you met Solon, did you?
  6. Not exactly. You must be a little disappointed, [cdb]after coming so close to finding out who you [cdb]really are.
  7. Yeah, we never got closure after our fight against [cdb]those who slither in the dark, but now we have to [cdb]turn our attention to the Central Church.
  8. I figured even you might have trouble moving on [cdb]from that one.
  9. Yeah, to be honest...
  10. It's fine, really.
  11. I'll be honest: I can't stop thinking about it. Who am I, really?
  12. It's like the answer is dangling right in front of me, [cdb]but I just can't reach it.
  13. I'm trying not to think too much about my real [cdb]identity right now.
  14. Worrying about it won't get me anywhere, so I'll just [cdb]have to wait for my next lead.
  15. I'm sorry. I wish I could do more to help you with [cdb]that.
  16. Don't apologize. It's clear what the priority is right [cdb]now, even to me.
  17. We need to put an end to the church as soon as [cdb]possible so we can end this war.
  18. You're right. The longer Fódlan remains in turmoil, [cdb]the more likely it is they'll try something again.
  19. We need this war to be over so we're not left [cdb]vulnerable.
  20. And that means more work for you. I'm fine, see? Now go be important.
  21. All right, all right. But one more thing before I go.
  22. This war is going to end, but our fight with those who [cdb]slither in the dark won't be over when it does.
  23. As long as they keep plotting, we'll keep going [cdb]after them.
  24. I'll need your help with that from here on out. Got it?
  25. Of course. You can count on me.
  26. And if it so happens that we do eventually find out [cdb]who you really are...
  27. Just know that you'll still be the same person to me. You'll always be you. Remember that.
  28. Thanks, Claude. Same goes for you.
  29. Whether you're the leader of the Leicester Alliance, [cdb]the king, or even the Almyran—
  30. Whoa, keep it down! We're not talking about that [cdb]part yet!