1. Hey Dedue. It looked like you were having some [cdb]trouble out there during training today. All good?
  2. It is not uncommon. Many soldiers do not think [cdb]highly of me.
  3. Why's that?
  4. As you know, I am from Duscur.
  5. Relations with my home have improved now that His Majesty has taken the throne, but...
  6. Many still hold misgivings about fighting beside [cdb]someone like me.
  7. Sympathize with the soldiers.
  8. Question the soldiers' distrust.
  9. I don't really care myself, but I can get why it might [cdb]bother some people.
  10. Especially if they had family or friends who died in Duscur. That's not something you can just move [cdb]on from.
  11. Really? I don't see why.
  12. The Tragedy of Duscur shook the entire Kingdom to [cdb]its core.
  13. And now I am among the royal guard. An honor [cdb]often reserved for the children of nobles.
  14. As I am neither noble nor knight, many are displeased [cdb]at my position.
  15. Yeah, that kinda stuff always makes people jealous. I've got tons of rumors flying around about me, too.
  16. Not that I blame them. I was just a regular merc, [cdb]plucked off the street and into the Officers Academy [cdb]just because I happened to bump into Dimitri.
  17. All of it was a lucky break, if you ask me. Kinda natural it would get under people's skin.
  18. True.
  19. We are both here due to happenstance involving His Majesty.
  20. It is in the nobility's instinct to resent us for claiming [cdb]their rightful roles.
  21. Missing out due to sheer luck is cruel indeed.
  22. I'm sure Dimitri's got his hands full balancing it all, [cdb]too. One wrong move and we could be faced with a [cdb]full-on rebellion.
  23. But y'know, I think there's an easy way to solve this.
  24. Hm?
  25. We just have to prove we're both capable leaders. That we deserve people's support.
  26. It's like I said before. As long as we get results, [cdb]trust and respect will follow.
  27. Even the biggest skeptics'll have to throw their weight [cdb]behind us if we can show we have what it takes.
  28. Something you learned as a mercenary?
  29. Yep. There was this thief we had in our company, [cdb]real shady guy. Nobody trusted him.
  30. But he did his work just as well as anyone else, [cdb]and before long everyone had pretty much warmed [cdb]up to him.
  31. After a year or so, even I was joking around with him [cdb]like he was an old friend.
  32. He won your trust.
  33. Mmhm. Course, we didn't know for sure he wouldn't [cdb]just run off with all our stuff one night.
  34. But that's why people like you are so valuable. Y'know, people who keep an eye out for anything [cdb]suspicious.
  35. I see.
  36. Sorry, I didn't mean to talk your ear off.
  37. No, I appreciate it. I will try to follow your advice.