1. Dedue, sir. We'd like to hear your opinion on the [cdb]matter we discussed earlier.
  2. Regarding Count Charon? As I discussed with Gustave...
  3. ...
  4. Looks like things are finally changing, Dedue. They've really started warming up to you, huh?
  5. They have.
  6. That soldier I was speaking to lost his mother in Duscur. She was a knight of the Kingdom.
  7. Naturally, his feelings toward me were...complicated. We argued many times.
  8. You, arguing? Can't imagine what that looks like.
  9. I thought it better than just letting him hurl abuse [cdb]at me.
  10. Such a reaction was surprising for me as well.
  11. But now we have fought together. Worried together. Faced death together.
  12. I have shown him what I'm capable of, and he has [cdb]come to trust me in turn.
  13. Nice! Sounds like you really earned his respect, then. Congrats, Dedue.
  14. Strange. Why are you so happy for me?
  15. Explain why.
  16. Deny it.
  17. Because we're friends, and friends are happy for each [cdb]other when good stuff happens to them.
  18. Are they?
  19. Not sure I'm happy, per se. It's just nice having a [cdb]good rival to spur me on.
  20. Heh. Is that how you see me?
  21. Anyway, now you've just gotta keep it going and get [cdb]even more people to trust you.
  22. Same goes for me. And Dimitri, while we're at it.
  23. You're right.
  24. In the meantime, I'm gonna keep winning battles [cdb]until I prove myself to you once and for all.
  25. So make sure you keep an eye on me out there, Dedue, 'cause I'm gonna be the most valuable [cdb]fighter we've got.
  26. Heh.
  27. What? What's so funny?
  28. Nothing. I look forward to your performance.
  29. But you already have my trust. No matter your origin [cdb]or identity.
  30. Really? You never know when I might betray you and [cdb]turn my sword on Dimitri, though.
  31. Not to mention this weird power I have. Can you [cdb]seriously say you trust me with that in mind?
  32. Your power is concerning. But it does not define you.
  33. I'm sure you would not so easily betray His Majesty [cdb]or myself.
  34. But know that if you do, I will cut you down without [cdb]hesitation.
  35. That's who I am. You must understand by now.
  36. Weird way to tell me you trust me, but it's got Dedue [cdb]written all over it. I'm honored.