1. Hahaha! That's hilarious! Who knew there could be a [cdb]merc like that?
  2. Yeah. He'd say it with a completely straight face, too. "I take my pay in apples."
  3. This guy would storm onto the battlefield, lugging [cdb]around a sack full of apples. Truly one of the strangest [cdb]things I've ever seen.
  4. I guess you could say he was hungry for battle. Wish I could've seen that myself.
  5. He was probably the best smelling guy out there, I'll give him that.
  6. That reminds me. Remember when you asked about [cdb]my past?
  7. Yeah, sorry if that was out of line. I shouldn't [cdb]have pried.
  8. No, it's OK. Actually, I thought I would tell you, [cdb]if you're still interested.
  9. Are you sure?
  10. I'm sure. It's not much of a story anyway. Besides, [cdb]it's already been seven years.
  11. I used to belong to an organization that was less a "group" and more like one giant mercenary state.
  12. Not the kind of place you go for building bonds of [cdb]trust and camaraderie.
  13. Still, there was one person there who I thought of [cdb]as a partner.
  14. ...
  15. As you can probably guess, he was killed. And that [cdb]was that.
  16. That's it?
  17. How awful.
  18. What, that's it? That's the whole story?
  19. Then again, I dunno why I would expect otherwise.
  20. Yeah, that's how these stories always end. I know it was a long time ago, but I'm really sorry.
  21. But why'd you wanna tell me all of a sudden? I thought you hated talking about your past.
  22. I felt a little guilty. You shared your story with me [cdb]earlier, but I didn't tell you mine.
  23. At the time, I wasn't about to go telling some stranger [cdb]all about my past.
  24. But now, I think you're at least somewhat [cdb]trustworthy. So I told you. That's all.
  25. Seriously? Wow, I'm really happy to hear that, [cdb]especially from you.
  26. Why? Everyone here adores you.
  27. I'm sure you hear stuff like that all the time.
  28. All the time? C'mon, that's an exaggeration.
  29. I've always felt that you were a more distinguished [cdb]mercenary than me.
  30. Earning recognition from a merc I respect is a [cdb]real honor.
  31. So if you see me as some sort of senior mercenary, I guess that makes me the mentor in this relationship.
  32. Uh...I guess.
  33. I see. All this time I've been treating you like an [cdb]equal, but maybe I should've been taking you under [cdb]my wing instead.
  34. That sounds good.
  35. On second thought...
  36. How would you feel if I took you up on that? Seems like fun.
  37. Yeah, well, you know what else is fun? Any person I [cdb]mentor has to pay for drinks. All of them.
  38. No way! What kind of deal is that?
  39. Heh, just a joke, sorry. I have no intention of treating [cdb]you any different.
  40. Oh, that's OK. Fellow comrades suits me fine. Just treat me the way you always have.
  41. I was kidding. I never planned on treating you any [cdb]different, whether you wanted it or not.
  42. I should've known. That's why I like you, Shamir.