1. Ugh, it's already so late.
  2. Time sure does fly when you're studying battle [cdb]strategies.
  3. I should get back to my room.
  4. It's already almost pitch black out, though. The sun's [cdb]been setting earlier these days...
  5. ...
  6. Rrragh...
  7. Eep! What was that?
  8. Uwargh...
  9. It sounds like...a man?
  10. Probably just Raphael. I've heard him talk about [cdb]how he trains at night, I'm sure of it.
  11. I can't believe I let him scare me like that. I should [cdb]just ignore him and focus on making my way back.
  12. It's so dark...
  13. Oh, hey Lysithea! What're you doing out here [cdb]so late?
  14. I was off on my own studying tactics, but then it got [cdb]really late before I knew it.
  15. Tactics, huh? That stuff just doesn't click with me.
  16. It's difficult for everyone at first, but I assure you the [cdb]field is rather fun once you get the hang of it.
  17. Rather important, too. Determining how to shape [cdb]your strategy, what formation to put your units in...
  18. There are so many moving parts to the subject that [cdb]once I start thinking about it, I just get lost in my [cdb]thoughts for hours on end.
  19. Wow, you must be really smart, Lysithea! I love a [cdb]good muscle workout, but I'm not so sure I can [cdb]handle a brain workout like you can.
  20. And I can't hold a candle to you when it comes to [cdb]manual labor.
  21. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. We should focus on what we're good at so we can [cdb]complement each other's abilities.
  22. Yeah, exactly! That's why I'm gonna have to train [cdb]even more!
  23. Hold on, weren't you just training?
  24. It's good to be motivated, but you're gonna bother [cdb]people if you keep making such weird noises in the [cdb]middle of the night.
  25. Huh? I didn't train today.
  26. You...didn't?
  27. Nope, I always let my muscles rest the day after a [cdb]rough workout, and let me tell you, yesterday was [cdb]a rough one!
  28. If I go too hard, I go easy the next day, which lets me [cdb]go even harder the day after that!
  29. You got your day off today, muscles, so you better be [cdb]ready for the pain tomorrow!
  30. Anyway, I'm gonna get to bed so I can be ready. You should try to get some shut-eye too, Lysithea.
  31. So that...wasn't Raphael? Then who was making those [cdb]scary noises?