1. Linhardt! You skipped the war council meeting again!
  2. If you have any pride at all as a noble, it would [cdb]behoove you to start acting like one!
  3. I have pride. Some, at least.
  4. But speaking of noble comportment...
  5. I seem to remember a certain someone who obeyed [cdb]the church for a time and opposed the Empire.
  6. We've both already betrayed the Empire. Is there any [cdb]need to be overly focused on details?
  7. Your tongue cuts like a thousand sharpened blades!
  8. Nonetheless, I did what was required for survival.
  9. My dream of regaining my family's status would be [cdb]forever lost were I to perish—and I cannot permit [cdb]such a thing to come to pass.
  10. All I do is for the sake of House Nuvelle's revival!
  11. That's lovely and all, but—
  12. It is not lovely!
  13. As the tale goes, House Nuvelle had passed down the Crest of Macuil for many generations.
  14. Cease your endless yammering and listen to me!
  15. So I am forced to wonder why it is that you, [cdb]a legitimate heir to the family, do not possess [cdb]said Crest.
  16. What's more, in its place you have the Crest of Noa, who was one of the Four Apostles.
  17. Has your house stymied and deceived Imperial [cdb]investigations for generations? And if so, how?
  18. If you aren't going to listen to me, I refuse to even [cdb]entertain answering that question.
  19. Well, I've grown tired of speaking, so we'll have to [cdb]continue this another time. Good night.
  20. Wait, no! I'll answer you! Just don't treat me like dirt [cdb]trodden underfoot!
  21. Then by all means.
  22. Perhaps in the course of your explanation, something [cdb]of use to House Nuvelle's restoration will crop up.
  23. I would like that very much. Well then...
  24. To be frank, it is said that Saint Noa is an ancestor of House Nuvelle.
  25. The saint feared her Crest—already rare even in her [cdb]time—could prove a source of utter calamity.
  26. As such, she forged a magic that tricked Crest [cdb]investigation devices and aided her descendants.
  27. Fascinating. And is there anything else regarding Saint Noa?
  28. Your disdain is palpable! Now, does any of that sound [cdb]of use to restoring my house or not?
  29. I cannot say—I must hear the rest first.
  30. You realize it would be bothersome in the extreme if I [cdb]told you everything and none of it was helpful, yes?
  31. If you wish to hear more, I must have a guarantee [cdb]it will provide something I can use!
  32. Ahahaha!
  33. What a bother...