1. Looks like there's lots of bugs around here. Go on and [cdb]eat a bunch and grow nice and big, plants!
  2. Hey, Bernie-Bee. Doing a little garden care?
  3. Huh? Oh, uh...yes. Do you need something, Hapi?
  4. Oh, wait. Wait! Are you here to finish me off and turn [cdb]me into fertilizer?! Noooo! I'm completely devoid of [cdb]nutritional content! I'm basically just air!
  5. No, but if you wanna be fertilizer that badly, I'm certain it could be arranged.
  6. I just wanted to mention how I'm surprised to find [cdb]carnivorous plants growing here.
  7. I was curious who was taking care of them, and now I [cdb]seem to have found my answer.
  8. Yeah, carnivorous plants are my favorites.
  9. And mine as well. I had no idea we were such [cdb]kindred spirits.
  10. That's so great!
  11. I never thought I'd find another carnivorous plant [cdb]lover in all of Fódlan! Yaaay!
  12. You really don't need to yell like that. So which one [cdb]do you like best, Bernie-Bee?
  13. There's a lot to consider, after all. The aroma, [cdb]the texture, the way you prepare it...
  14. Oh yeah, some smell nice, and some are just soft [cdb]as all get out.
  15. Er, but the way they're...prepared? Like, how you [cdb]take care of them? Hmm, I suppose there's a lot of [cdb]variance there, too.
  16. Indeed. So of the ones here, which is your favorite?
  17. Maaaybe...this one. The one that looks like a jug.
  18. I like that one as well. It smells divine.
  19. And the experience really changes depending on what [cdb]kind of berries you stuff it with.
  20. Can't say I've ever thought to stuff it full of berries, [cdb]but I definitely see how that would change things.
  21. Oh, but I also like this one here with the leaves that [cdb]act like a mouth.
  22. They're so teensy and cute, and they blossom with [cdb]white flowers. I could just stare at them all day!
  23. Interesting. I always pick them before the flowers [cdb]can bloom, so I didn't know that.
  24. Aren't the buds wonderful? Of course, wrapping with [cdb]leaves is great too.
  25. Yeah, the buds are unusual! I love 'em! And it's fun watching the leaves move.
  26. I'm happy you like watching them as much as me!
  27. Watching?
  28. Huh?
  29. In any case, now we know we like the same ones.
  30. We should have a bite together next chance we get. Anyway, I have to be off. See ya!
  31. Yep! Next time we'll go out together and...ummm...
  32. Get something to eat? I...guess that sounds nice?