1. ...
  2. ...
  3. Ugh. Go ahead.
  4. Oh boy! But wait. If I eat that, [cdb]what are you gonna eat?
  5. I'll buy something from one of the merchants outside.
  6. But that costs money!
  7. This is my second helping. Or maybe third? I can't remember. Anyway, if anyone's gonna be [cdb]paying for extra food, it should be me.
  8. In that case, I'll take you up on—
  9. Wait, was that thunder?
  10. Haha, nope! Just my stomach. Sorry to scare you.
  11. I tell you, I can't wait for this war to be over so I can [cdb]eat as much as I want!
  12. Urgh.
  13. Look, skipping a full portion won't kill me. Why don't you take half?
  14. Wow, you mean it?! Thanks a bunch, meat buddy!
  15. Meat...buddy. Wait, is that me?
  16. Yeah! You love it as much as I do, so that makes us [cdb]meat buddies!
  17. Whatever you say.
  18. Hey, I've got an idea! If there isn't enough to go [cdb]around, we should go hunting!
  19. That way everyone can have their fill.
  20. That's...actually not a bad idea.
  21. I know! C'mon, we'll hit up the nearby forest.
  22. Petra says there's a ton of game there!
  23. I heard some hunters saying there's a ton [cdb]of game there!
  24. Just so happens I have some free time on my hands, [cdb]so let me finish my lunch and I'll be ready.
  25. All right! Meat buddies are unstoppable!
  26. Wait, you forgot your food! He really is something.