1. Oh, I love this! Thank you very much.
  2. What a thoughtful gesture. Well, let's eat!
  3. You clearly put a lot of effort into this. I won't turn [cdb]my nose up at it.
  4. An outing sounds lovely. Where are you taking me?
  5. We'll have the best of times wherever we go!
  6. How beautiful. I think I could stay here forever.
  7. Look, a rare flower! Its fruit is really sweet and [cdb]delicious.
  8. What a magnificent view! This is well worth the [cdb]long climb.
  9. This scenery would make a lovely painting. If only I'd [cdb]brought my supplies.
  10. What a strange melody. Where did you learn it?
  11. Luckily, I baked up some treats for just such an [cdb]occasion. Would you like one?
  12. I wonder if you can eat those. The color is [cdb]quite appetizing!
  13. That looks delicious! We should bring it back to camp [cdb]with us and make some dessert with it.
  14. You don't need to do that. Here, let me take a look. I'm sure I can fix you right up.
  15. I'd be glad to, if you want. You're just as needy as my [cdb]brother.
  16. I'm not especially good at fishing, but I'll do my best. It's only fair after we've come all the way here!
  17. Did you work up a sweat on our way here? The stream over there would be perfect for a nice dip.
  18. I hope I can go shopping again soon. Baking supplies, [cdb]makeup... There are so many things I want!
  19. I hate fighting...but if both sides have reason to do so, [cdb]there's no avoiding it.
  20. Sometimes I think about going back to Fhirdiad. I wouldn't want to live with my adoptive father, [cdb]though.
  21. Annie and I have been close ever since we met at the [cdb]school of sorcery in Fhirdiad. She's the best friend I've [cdb]ever had.
  22. My hair has been getting long recently. I'm never sure [cdb]whether to cut it or let it keep growing.
  23. Both of my parents were great cooks. I even [cdb]remember them teaching each other recipes [cdb]when I was young. Cute, don't you think?
  24. I wonder how my mother is faring. I do get [cdb]letters from her sometimes, at least.
  25. Hmm, I do like to bake! I always end up making far [cdb]more than any one person could eat, though.
  26. There are plenty of things I'm not very fond of, but I [cdb]prefer to stay positive when I can.
  27. I'm not sure how, but I want to help people in need. A little cliché, isn't it?
  28. There are so many treats I'd like to make, but I've [cdb]had some trouble finding the ingredients lately.
  29. The time I spent living with my mother and brother [cdb]were some of the most precious moments in my life.
  30. My brother has quite the sweet tooth. I'm sure he gets [cdb]it from our mother.
  31. I don't like fighting, but my friends give me the [cdb]strength to keep pushing forward.
  32. I can lead the charge if I need to, but I much prefer [cdb]to stay back to support everyone and heal their [cdb]wounds.
  33. Please take care of yourself. And tell me right away if [cdb]you ever get hurt.
  34. Not many people invite me out like this. I'm glad I [cdb]have the chance to be so close with you.
  35. I'm great at making sweets, but recently I've tried to [cdb]expand my horizons into savory food too. It...hasn't [cdb]gone very well.
  36. Oh, I learned some new magic the other day! I'm sure [cdb]it will prove very useful.
  37. I've been far too busy to take proper care of my hair [cdb]recently.
  38. My mother, brother, and I all share the same hair and [cdb]eye color. I really like having that between us.
  39. Is there something you'd like to say? Don't be shy.
  40. What is it? I'd be glad to listen if you want to pour [cdb]your heart out.
  41. We don't have many opportunities to leave camp [cdb]these days. Maybe I should've dressed for the [cdb]occasion.
  42. Let's go buy some new clothes once the war is over!
  43. Thank you for today! I hope we can do it again soon.
  44. Thank you for a wonderful day. I'll plan the next one!
  45. We can do it, together!