1. Oh, but this is simply scrumptious! I love, love, [cdb]love it!
  2. Your consideration fills my heart with joy. Thank you [cdb]so very much!
  3. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude that I, ah... Perhaps you could eat it in my stead?
  4. Good day! Shall we be off?
  5. Hello there! Where will you be taking me today?
  6. These meadows are so peaceful without people... Though, they still manage to remind me of the [cdb]commotion and chaos of battle.
  7. Passing through a majestic forest like this soothes [cdb]my weary soul.
  8. Why must we fight over land when this world is so [cdb]incredibly vast and beautiful?
  9. Is this?! Ah...no. My apologies, this place reminds [cdb]me of where I used to live long ago.
  10. You would serenade me? I can also sing along, if you [cdb]would like to make it a duet.
  11. Oh dear. Are you hungry? Perhaps I should have [cdb]prepared a snack before we set out.
  12. What skill you have! I myself can scarce tell one [cdb]mushroom from the next.
  13. I thought I heard your stomach rumbling! Perhaps it [cdb]would have been prudent to pack some treats...
  14. But then you would be soaked head to foot should the [cdb]weather turn foul! I fear we must head back early.
  15. Yes, perhaps we should. We cannot risk getting [cdb]chills and catching some ague, now can we?
  16. I enjoy watching fish as much as I enjoy eating them. There are just so many wondrous varieties!
  17. Well, that is indeed odd. I do not see any sign of other [cdb]people in this area, so perhaps we should bring it back [cdb]and ask the others.
  18. People occasionally claim my manner of speaking to [cdb]be eccentric. Do I not speak as everyone else does?
  19. I am fascinated by the lives of city dwellers, but do [cdb]not often get the opportunity to observe them.
  20. I am rather unskilled when it comes to preparing [cdb]food. Perhaps someone would be willing to teach me?
  21. I enjoy eating fish caught fresh from the sea, but sadly [cdb]have not enjoyed such bounty of late.
  22. Lady Rhea is an incredibly kind person. I always find [cdb]her to be thoughtful and caring toward me.
  23. I think it so very sad that people fight merely because [cdb]they hold differing opinions.
  24. If we could simply speak with each other and find [cdb]common ground, there would be no need for war.
  25. I absolutely adore lively places. I fear I have lived a [cdb]quiet and lonely life for far too long now.
  26. I dislike sleeping—or rather, it frightens me. I always [cdb]fear that once I drift off, I will be unable to properly [cdb]awaken.
  27. I have long wished for a friend who would confide in [cdb]me regarding matters of the heart. Perhaps someday...
  28. I am always concerned about my brother. Ironically, [cdb]this is because he is far too concerned about me.
  29. My brother has strictly forbade me from divulging [cdb]any information as to my place of origin.
  30. When my mother was yet alive, we used to live a [cdb]carefree life somewhere not far from the sea.
  31. Do you think the others consider me as one of [cdb]their friends?
  32. I am quite adept with healing magic, so if you ever [cdb]find yourself injured, do not hesitate to call for me.
  33. My brother warned me to stay away from you, [cdb]so let's keep today between us, yes?
  34. Though my brother remains wary, I choose to believe [cdb]in you.
  35. Though I still have my share of everyday concerns, I remain the very picture of health!
  36. My brother's instructions do not permit me to travel [cdb]into town, which thus limits my daily schedule.
  37. My brother thinks my hair looks better when it is [cdb]not tied up, but I like it both ways.
  38. I have the same hair color as my brother and Lady Rhea, who is something of a distant relative.
  39. Is there something amiss with my face? I like to think [cdb]my features are of a similar and pleasing proportion.
  40. It makes me very happy indeed to know that you [cdb]think of me as a friend.
  41. I would like to wear a variety of clothes, but alas, I have only this set—or to be more specific, I have [cdb]many versions of this set.
  42. I was considering donning some different fashions. What do you think would suit me?
  43. Thank you very much for today. Have a good night.
  44. Today was so much fun! I do hope you will invite [cdb]me again.
  45. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.