1. This is one of my favorites. Thank you.
  2. I'm glad you invited me.
  3. I might be able to stomach this today.
  4. You want to go for a ride? All right.
  5. If that's your wish, I'd be glad to join you.
  6. A meadow is a fine place to camp for the night.
  7. Forests make for cumbersome battles. Hopefully we [cdb]don't run into any enemies while we're here.
  8. Good, we've secured the high ground—though that [cdb]likely matters little on an excursion.
  9. It's always good to have a source of water nearby.
  10. I don't think anyone's ever given me a flower before.
  11. Can I release it? I detest senseless killing.
  12. No witnesses, hm? Well, don't try anything funny.
  13. Leave it to me. My sense of direction rarely fails.
  14. Impressive medical skills. You'll have to give me some [cdb]pointers later on.
  15. Carry you? Very well.
  16. Jeralt fishes a lot, but I don't have much experience [cdb]with it myself.
  17. Are we able to start a fire? I want to be sure we [cdb]have a way to warm up afterward.
  18. I've always had strange dreams. You?
  19. Jeralt's reputation took a big hit after you defeated us.
  20. We live in an age of war—but I feel like that's what I'm suited to.
  21. I took naturally to the sword from the first moment I held one.
  22. I hope all our allies survive this war.
  23. You're easy to fight for. Your commands are intuitive.
  24. I've had an immense appetite since I was small, but [cdb]can also go days without eating a thing.
  25. I don't know if "like" is the right word, but I find [cdb]myself helping people almost reflexively.
  26. You know, I'm not sure—though I suppose if [cdb]someone were to harm my father, I could never [cdb]forgive them.
  27. I honestly have no idea. I'm not even sure if I'll take [cdb]over the mercenaries or not.
  28. None of my worries would be helped by talking [cdb]them out.
  29. I have no hometown. As far back as I can remember, I've been traveling with the mercenaries.
  30. I remember all of our fights—you're probably the [cdb]only person I've ever feared on the battlefield.
  31. You have a different aura from my mercenary [cdb]companions. It was hard to get used to at first.
  32. Swordwork, as well as the sort of guerrilla warfare I learned from my father.
  33. I feel that you and I are very much alike.
  34. You swore to surpass me one day, but I've not been [cdb]standing still in the meantime.
  35. I can still wield a blade, so I must be fine.
  36. If you're asking how well Jeralt's band is fitting in, I'd say things are...getting better.
  37. Um, is there something in my hair?
  38. I don't know what causes my hair to change color. It's the strangest thing.
  39. Jeralt always says I resemble my mother, though I [cdb]just have to take his word for it.
  40. Am I smiling? It's not something I do often.
  41. People call this color ash, though I can't say I agree. Either way, that's how I got my nickname.
  42. Jeralt gave me this armor, though I have no idea [cdb]where he acquired it.
  43. Thank you. That was...new.
  44. I always enjoy my time with you.
  45. Leave it to me.