Kingdom Army Camp (Galatea Territory)
link Dimitri volume_up
Lady Rhea, Seteth. I'm relieved you both made it out unharmed. It appears we arrived just in time.
link Seteth volume_up
You have our utmost thanks for aiding in our retreat, Your Majesty. I can only apologize for the trouble we may have caused your outfit.
link Rhea volume_up
King Dimitri. I cannot express just how grateful I am to you and all the fine people of Faerghus.
link Dimitri volume_up
The honor is mine. Your order provided me with immeasurable aid during my ascension to the throne.
link Dimitri volume_up
My citizens would have branded me a heathen had I not returned the favor.
link Rhea volume_up
And now it seems we are the ones who owe a debt. The church shall provide whatever assistance it can to your efforts.
link Seteth volume_up
If you see it prudent, I have no objection to placing the knights of our order under Kingdom command.
link Dimitri volume_up
Thank you both. While it pains me to qualify our hospitality...
link Dimitri volume_up
This kingdom is not a wealthy one, neither in goods nor provisions. I fear we may struggle to compensate your soldiers. Or even to feed them.
link Seteth volume_up
You needn't trouble yourself with such concerns. Your generous offer of shelter will be more than enough.
link Dimitri volume_up
Very well. We've lingered here long enough. Let us make for Fhirdiad.
link Dimitri volume_up
There's much to discuss. The church, the Kingdom, and the battles to come.