link <<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I have a message, Your Majesty! The Imperial army has begun an assault on former Arundel territory!
link Felix volume_up
Urgh! They've caught on to us!
link Dimitri volume_up
And? How does Arundel fare?
link <<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The force we sent to bolster their defenses still holds the castle, but they're under considerable pressure. They may not hold out much longer.
link Rodrigue volume_up
That bad, huh? Could they have planted spies in our midst at the fortress?
link Dimitri volume_up
Even were that the case, this would be an odd turn of events. We left sizable reserves guarding both Arianrhod and Arundel.
link Dimitri volume_up
Under those circumstances, Felix's unit alone would seem enough to keep the enemy at bay.
link <<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
But this enemy marches under the flag of the Black Eagles. They appear to be the emperor's personal battalion!
link Shez volume_up
Edelgard's trying to seize Arianrhod personally?
link Shez volume_up
Edelgard's trying to seize Arianrhod personally?
link Arval volume_up
The emperor has panache, I'll give her that. It takes some real guts to confront the Kingdom and Alliance simultaneously.
link Arval volume_up
If you ask me, it feels like quite a roll of the dice for us to keep focusing on the west while the Imperial threat marches towards us unchecked.
link Shez volume_up
We need to go help Arianrhod. If we don't ride out soon, the fortress could fall.
link Shez volume_up
We need to go help Arianrhod. If we don't ride out soon, the fortress could fall.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Now wait just a minute. What becomes of the uprising in the west if we do that?
link Shez volume_up
Still, it seems like we should be taking care of our own business in the west before we turn our attention to Arianrhod.
link Shez volume_up
Still, it seems like we should be taking care of our own business in the west before we turn our attention to Arianrhod.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Agreed. If we don't quell this rebellion, the very Kingdom could collapse in on itself.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Of course, we can't turn a blind eye to the Empire's attack either, but taking the sword to these insurrectionists must be our top priority.
link Dimitri volume_up
Indeed. Considering the relative urgencies of both situations, the trouble in the west takes precedence.
link Dimitri volume_up
That said, the thought of Arianrhod falling into her hands is a difficult one to stomach.
link Seteth volume_up
Send forth the Knights of Seiros, then. We may be few in number, but even a small force can be all the difference when defending a siege.
link Seteth volume_up
And given the debt we owe you, the archbishop will surely not refuse you this favor.
link Dimitri volume_up
Thank you, Seteth. I'll send an envoy to her at once.
link Dimitri volume_up
But who can we trust the matter to in our stead? Hmm. Perhaps the Knights of Seiros.
link Dimitri volume_up
Go to Lady Rhea and request reinforcements from the knights at both Arundel and Arianrhod.
link Dimitri volume_up
Tell her if Arundel proves too difficult to pacify, her knights should not hesitate to abandon it.
link Dimitri volume_up
If such an eventuality comes, they're to fall back to Arianrhod and hold the fortress with the others. Understood?
link <<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Yes, Your Majesty!
link Shez volume_up
We don't have time to be sitting on our hands either. Let's hurry up and end this rebellion.
link Shez volume_up
We don't have time to be sitting on our hands either. Let's hurry up and end this rebellion.
link Dimitri volume_up
Right you are, there's not a moment to waste. We'll begin our war council at once.