Somewhere in Bergliez Territory
link ??? volume_up
Your Excellency, I have a report concerning the movements of the Alliance army.
link Leopold volume_up
Go on.
link ??? volume_up
Enemy troops throughout the Alliance have marched south, and are now gathering on the north side of the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
link ??? volume_up
The scale of their force is much larger than what would be expected of a defensive operation.
link Leopold volume_up
So, it's come to this, has it? Who would've imagined that the Alliance would dare threaten my territory?
link Caspar volume_up
What do we do? Should we ask Edelgard to send reinforcements?
link Leopold volume_up
No, this isn't worth troubling Her Majesty over.
link Caspar volume_up
Are you sure? We lost an awful lot of soldiers when we were defeated at the bridge.
link Leopold volume_up
The main force of Her Majesty's army has been sent to the Kingdom front. It would be more trouble than it's worth to call them back.
link Leopold volume_up
Besides, you remember that mercenary company that performed so well before? They're back with us.
link Caspar volume_up
You mean the one run by that Jeralt guy? I gotta admit, they do seem to know their stuff.
link Leopold volume_up
In addition, we can expect reinforcements from that meddlesome Ochs woman. That should round out our numbers.
link Caspar volume_up
Well, when you put it like that, maybe we really can handle this!
link Caspar volume_up
So what's next? We gonna crush 'em with a head-on attack?
link Leopold volume_up
We'll meet the Alliance army at Gronder Field. The area once used to stage the Battle of the Eagle and Lion will serve well.
link Leopold volume_up
After all, it has already been trampled beyond use. And I doubt the enemy will go out of their way to burn our fields, given that they plan on seizing them.
link Caspar volume_up
I bet Holst will be part of the invasion force. He's the one who fought back all those Almyran armies. I've been dying to take him on!
link Leopold volume_up
You'll do no such thing. I'm going to face him myself.
link Caspar volume_up
But why? How do you know I can't take him if you won't even let me try?
link Leopold volume_up
The fact that you don't know only proves you're not ready to face an opponent like him. Besides, Holst is hardly the only foe we need to focus on.
link Leopold volume_up
I doubt Count Gloucester was acting alone when he devastated the Imperial army.
link Leopold volume_up
I'm sure the Alliance's leader, Claude, hatched that scheme. We need to be wary of him.
link Caspar volume_up
Claude, huh? Yeah, he did seem like a pretty crafty guy.
link Leopold volume_up
Tactics like that may work for some. But don't expect our house to come up with schemes of our own.
link Leopold volume_up
We'll see through the enemy's tricks, and then quash them with our might.
link Caspar volume_up
All right! We're gonna crush their flimsy ploys with some good old-fashioned brawling! Let's do it!
link ??? volume_up
General Nader, our troops are completely exhausted. Everyone's starving, and we're running out of water.
link Nader volume_up
I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to bear it a little longer. If we don't ration our provisions, we won't have enough for the way back.
link ??? volume_up
We didn't bring enough supplies for the journey back? What is Prince Shahid thinking?
link Nader volume_up
I'm sure the only thing he's focused on is that fantasy of his, where he earns enough renown to secure his succession to the throne.
link Nader volume_up
He's so convinced he'll sup on the spoils of victory, he hasn't even bothered to prepare for defeat.
link ??? volume_up
Well, that explains it then. I sure hope this battle ends the way the prince wants it to...
link Nader volume_up
You and me both. If we win, great. But if we stumble here, we're as good as dead.
link ??? volume_up
Why is His Majesty letting Prince Shahid do as he pleases?
link Nader volume_up
His Majesty hasn't been himself since Prince Khalid disappeared. Khalid was always his favorite, you know.
link Shahid volume_up
Nader, the next batch of reinforcements will be arriving shortly. A force of elite troops, courtesy of my uncle. Rejoice!
link Nader volume_up
Oh... Even more reinforcements?
link Shahid volume_up
The size of the army is what decides most battles.
link Shahid volume_up
And with me in command, it should be nigh impossible for an army of this size to lose.
link Nader volume_up
Well, actually, advantageous terrain may be more important...
link Shahid volume_up
We can continue this later. March out to greet the new arrivals and get them into formation. I will go rally them afterwards. Hahaha!
link ??? volume_up
If only we could feast on lofty speeches. Then we'd eat like kings.
link Nader volume_up
An army this size limits the tactics we can use... Argh, they're going to think we're just a horde of barbarians!
link Nader volume_up
This is no fun at all. If only you were here, kiddo...