link Nader volume_up
Look there. The Kingdom army's come to greet us.
link Shez volume_up
Not the friendliest welcoming party. Even from here I can tell they're out for blood.
link Shez volume_up
Not the friendliest welcoming party. Even from here I can tell they're out for blood.
link Holst volume_up
They must be trying to drive us back before we can surround the royal palace.
link Claude volume_up
Works for me. It'll be easier to fight them out here in the open than if they'd holed up behind those walls.
link Raphael volume_up
Time to show what these muscles can do! I'll send a whole bunch of 'em flyin'!
link Leonie volume_up
These soldiers are being led by the king himself, so you can bet they're going to be strong. I can't wait to take them on!
link Holst volume_up
We can't put our plan into action if we don't win this battle. Claude, it's time.
link Claude volume_up
All right! Get ready, everyone!
link Claude volume_up
Let's see if a crushing defeat can get through Dimitri's thick skull!
link Jeralt volume_up
link Shez volume_up
Something wrong, Jeralt? We're gonna miss all the action if we don't get going.
link Shez volume_up
Something wrong, Jeralt? We're gonna miss all the action if we don't get going.
link Jeralt volume_up
Huh? Oh, yeah. We're not entering the capital yet, right?
link Shez volume_up
Nope. The Kingdom army's come to us, so we're gonna be fighting them outside the city.
link Shez volume_up
Nope. The Kingdom army's come to us, so we're gonna be fighting them outside the city.
link Jeralt volume_up
Yeah... Hey, you don't think Lady Rhea's in Fhirdiad anymore, do you?
link Shez volume_up
Can't imagine she would be. I mean, the church is operating out of a different city entirely.
link Shez volume_up
Can't imagine she would be. I mean, the church is operating out of a different city entirely.
link Shez volume_up
Never took you for a man of faith, though.
link Shez volume_up
Never took you for a man of faith, though.
link Jeralt volume_up
Oh no, it's nothing like that. I've just got a past with Lady Rhea... One I don't want becoming my present.
link Jeralt volume_up
But that won't be a problem if we're fighting outside the city. Now let's get out there and win this thing.